JoinedPosts by Incognito
Favorite Quotations from Movies
by compound complex in"the way you walked was thorny, through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end.
now you will have peace for eternity.
" -- maleva, the wolf man.
"Deficit" at JW Assembly
by cookiemaster ini've recently been at an assembly here in romania and there was an announced they were running a 10,000 euro deficit and urging all attendees to donate more money besides the already 5k has was donated during that day.
i really don't understand these things.
it's their own assembly hall.
most spend their money during the break on food, drinks, ice cream,
Not meaning to derail the thread, is this a Regional convention or a District (1 day) assembly?
The JW assembly halls in this part of the world, eliminated food service decades ago so attendees wanting food or drink, would need to bring it from home or otherwise leave the assembly location to drive to a store or restaurant.
For a RC, some rented venues are located nearby to a shopping mall or city centre.
Being Disfellowshipped + On-Going Cycle of Depression
by Cimarrona ini've been disfellowshipped for six years, since i was 18. i struggle with depression and self-destructive habits (minor in comparison to the suicides, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior of others i've grown up with who have left or were too afraid to leave).
i'm fairly successful for my age - respected in my field, i have an extensive curriculum vitae of published writing, presentations, and other projects.
yet, i often feel worthless and unloveable.
You haven't stated your view on the JW religion. Do you continue to believe it to be the 'truth', have you taken a indifferent attitude, or have you realized that religion is fake? If realizing it to be fake, have you accepted that?
Since you are DF'd, perhaps the forced rejection is contributing to your depression, since 'they' are treating you as less of a person and unworthy.
I'm so confused, help?
by Ponyo ini want to share my story.
(might be a tad long).
i have no idea where i stand anymore regarding being a jw and where i stand in my marriage.. im 28 years old and the years are certainly ticking by.
I have been beating myself up a bit with the other replies.
This is part of the problem. You continue to place too much importance on what others think and tell you to do, allowing them to control you.
Everyone here is a faceless stranger at the end of a keyboard. We all have an opinion, and like it or not, not everyone is going to tell you what you want to hear. Even if harsh, there is probably something useful in what was said by each. Keep what is useful and discard the rest, not only here but everywhere else throughout life.
You have permitted your mother and others in the congregation to control who you date and marry and other aspects of your life, even after becoming an adult when you should be making those decisions for yourself. Your mother, congregation or forum members are not going to live with the consequences to those decisions, only you will, often for the remainder of your life.
You need to decide when enough is enough and start taking control and making your own decisions. Of course, the family you were involved in creating, also need to be considered. Although easier said than done, these are things which could be discussed with a therapist to obtain unbiased support and suggestions.
Suggest also reading Susan Forward's book: Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life
The issues considered may be applied to all relationships not only to parents.
Fascinating article about a "strange legal journey": West Palm lawyer takes on Scientology in unprecedented arbitration
by AndersonsInfo inwest palm lawyer takes on scientology in unprecedented arbitration.
by jane musgrave - palm beach post staff writer.
a federal judge in Tampa ruled that it will be decided, not by a jury in a court of law, but by three Scientologists who understand the teachings of the church’s late founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
Ex-Scientologists also understand the teachings of LRH.
Someone such as Mike Rinder would provide not only a better than average understanding of the 'church' at all levels, but also provide balance and understanding to the Garcia's plight.
With conditions and restrictions contrary to established court and arbitration rules and procedure, this then portrays an appearance Scientology is being given preferential treatment.
The question is raised as to why a federal judge would establish special conditions for this action. Babbitt should be opposing these restrictions on his client's behalf, if that hasn't already occurred.
The Watchtower's Real Crisis
by JeffT inwhen discussing the watchtowers financial problems, i've generally been of the opinion that they probably are not in a real financial crisis.
i've come to believe that money may be something of an issue, but its wrapped up in a much larger problem.
this came to me this morning when reading about the annual meeting.. i think the society's leadership is just plain out of ideas.
I agree with your thinking.
WT is a manufacturer currently without a product to offer. I'm not necessarily talking about paper magazines and books but more about information to be printed or published electronically.
WT previously had Fred Franz to spout out an abundance of new doctrine. JWs were excited to receive new books and new understanding every year.
Apple doesn't release a new iPhone every year because the existing model isn't selling or isn't reliable. A new model is released so that existing iPhone users will become excited and buy a new phone to replace the phone they only just purchased last year or the year before.
Without new original doctrinal ideas, WT has nothing to excite existing JWs.
Interesting conversation with JW friend
by Jules Saturn ini was withh a friend of mine who is a jw still and for whatever reason we started talking the bible.
i asked him about lazarus and how is that when he died he paid the price of sin, but then jesus resurrected him.
and i asked him "where is lazarus today?
it couldn't be possible, for me anyways, for angels (spiritual superior beings) to find attractiveness and lust in humans because those are human traits. - Jules
In humans, attraction is largely influenced by hormones.
If angels which are supposedly genderless spirit creatures, lusted after human woman, does this then imply that angels are equipped with hormones?
Even if an angel could lust after a female human and equip itself with a sex organ, how could that angel produce sperm that is somewhat compatible with the human female's egg so as to result in giant hybrid offspring? When humans have sex with another species, a hybrid species is not produced.
Can Today's JW Logically Explain Their Beliefs?
by minimus inwhen i was a jw, i relished explaining my beliefs and why we had the truth!
todays witness has no clue , in my opinion..
Since any changes to doctrine as dictated by the GB is not to be questioned and is to be followed immediately, do individual JWs have beliefs?
If a long standing belief that a JW holds to be true for 50 years is suddenly changed, then each JW is expected to 'adjust' his/her understanding and therefore his/her 'belief'.
It seems JWs as a group have few beliefs except:
- the GB is chosen by Jehovah as his earthly representative and spokesman, to lead his organization on earth
- the GB is not to be doubted or questioned
JW Rumor: End of the Traveling Overseer
by Edison Trent ina friend of mine has contacts to a family with several circuit overseers and special pioneers.
they have good connections to bethel.. he told me that the latest rumor from bethel states that the cos should be abolished in their present form.
they have also recently begun to take cos back to bethel.. over the same channel i have already heard of the car fleet program and that the dos should be abolished.. has anyone else already heard of it?
Edison Trent stated in the OP: "He told me that the latest rumor from Bethel states that the COs should be abolished in their present form."
I think in their present form is key. That doesn't imply there will not be CO's, only that there will likely be changes to the usual methods of doing things and possibly the authority or responsibility of a CO.
Maybe the position will be given a new title. Maybe there will be 4 annual visits of fewer congregations, or maybe unannounced visits to catch elders off-guard and see what really goes-on.
As some have speculated, perhaps retired local area elders will be 'trained' to assume the position for a short while (forced retirement @ 70), while not receiving any financial compensation from WT. Maybe they will mostly act as observers and auditors of congregation affairs, reporting back to WT.
WT always want control and the CO position provides the control link in whatever new form it takes on. I don't expect the entire position will be eliminated although it may appear radically different than anyone is accustomed to.
Question for SBF
by Fisherman inslimboyfat, it appears that wts is going, gone digital.
can you show your view what is wts next move after they are completely gone from kings county and settled in warwick?
- this thread is your if you want it..
For the Memorial the same principles apply. - DarkS
Except for anyone listening-in via telephone or watching live video, wouldn't have opportunity to be offered the emblems.
Since the offering and passing of the proper emblems is such an important component to the ceremony, can those not there truly be considered to be in attendance?