If you reevaluate the situation, I think you will realize your study was not a 'bible study' but was the reading of JW publications which use the JW bible to support the information being presented.
Most of us on this forum are ex-JWs who have come to realize the JW religion as a cult.
Your 'Wonderful' JW study conductor invested effort and time to convert you, and it is inconceivable that your study conductor could have done anything to cause you to stop your study. JW's refer to the religion as "The Truth". You deciding to stop then means to her/him that the devil is placing pressure on you so that you will not know "The Truth". She/he may be stalking you or asking others to, to identify activities and interests which have caused you to 'turn away' from "The Truth".
Once some activities are recognized, expect your conductor or other JW to call on you with information on how those activities are taking your time away from learning 'The Truth'.