Along a similar line, why are two people having sex referred to as 'sleeping together'? There is usually no sleeping involved.
With regard to going to the 'Washroom', I hope you do at least wash your hands after you poop or pee.
here, in the us, we go to the "bathroom".
am i taking a bath?
we either poop or pee.. when we go to canada, we go to the "washroom".
Along a similar line, why are two people having sex referred to as 'sleeping together'? There is usually no sleeping involved.
With regard to going to the 'Washroom', I hope you do at least wash your hands after you poop or pee.
we don’t get many invitations to congregational social gatherings.
we don’t attend midweek meetings and miss about 1/3 of sunday meetings.
we go in service at least once a month.
Family and money is involved. It’s complicated. That’s why we don’t leave the cult.
So, how long do you remain unsettled, unhappy and waiting for something to happen that other people decide and control?
Life is short. Live your life on your own terms, before the opportunity passes you by.
we don’t get many invitations to congregational social gatherings.
we don’t attend midweek meetings and miss about 1/3 of sunday meetings.
we go in service at least once a month.
Reliable meeting attendance and 'being seen' in field service is the price of admission to JW social functions.
As JW social functions are often lame, many PIMO JWs would be relieved to be excluded. Unfortunately, when JWs have few friends or opportunities for enjoyment, then any social function is better than nothing, even if it is lame.
You will likely benefit to make friends and persue interests independant from JWs before you leave, to make departing the religion less traumatic, and to provide things to enjoy and look forward to.
We attended a circuit assembly where the elder speaker stated he and his family ONLY associate with those that are stronger in the truth than they are. My thought was, he'd better hope the people he and his family associate with do not have that same attitude otherwise, they will not associate with that elder and his family since they will be the weaker ones.
So much for the flock being cared for by the Sheppard.
every once in a while you hear people say they actually “miss” their old witness friends and or family.
some would have even stayed in the organization if they became a bit more liberal and open minded.
Just because you may be related to someone, does not make them 'family'.
True friends remain such regardless of which religion you choose to practice ... or choose not to practice.
While you may have had a friendly relationship with a JW while you were also an active JW, if they choose to separate themselves from you only because you chose to no longer attend meetings, were they truly your friend? Of course, a choice to cutoff a relationship can work both ways, so it's not always the actions of the JW that ended the relationship.
One person rationalized the religion is beneficial because they personally gained an ability to speak with others and to groups which helped them in business. Could you not have gained those abilities through other means such as enrolling in a training course or joining a debate team, a service club or ... Amway?
With regard to joining this forum to obtain the background scoop on child sexual abuse lawsuits against the organization, obtaining info does not require posting. If you posted nothing, no one, at least human, would know you have been on this site.
A Watcher, you left or were kicked out 2X previously. I suspect the reasons for the previous 2 actions have not been addressed. While you may continue to rationalize the problem is 'You', I anticipate without the background problem being addressed, you will not remain satisfied as a JW.
Consider the reasons for the lawsuits. If this is truly Jehovah's choice of an earthly organization to represent his name to the nations, would that organization act in a manner to bring such reproach on that name? I expect any organization that was truly chosen by God, would be the greatest example to prevent abuse from happening, and for the odd situation that does arise, the greatest example to how such matters should be dealt with.
if you read my book "new boy" i talked about a girl i met in 1972 at a convention in allentown pa. i fell in love with her at first sight.
however a problem came up a couple of months later, when i met and fell in love with my future wife, debbie.
both women's mothers didn't like me at all (go figure) and it was literally a coin toss between the two women.
... everybody was not equally damaged and in fact some were not damaged at all ... - LongHairGal
Just because they may not recognize they are damaged, doesn't mean they are not. They are the equivalent to frogs in a pot of cool water that is being slowly heated to a boil.
currently reading : 30 years a watchtower slave.
cannot put it down.. this book pre-dates ray franz book "crisis of conscience", written from early 20th century, shortly after the jehovah's witnesses were formed.
the author describes the original true background of the watchtower society as a multi-million dollar publishing company.
Oddly, all it really was; simply JW speak applied to the incorrect term.
Thechickennest, at the end of each month, you likely 'published' a time report that was submitted to WT to report your preaching activities. Although the report may not have been sold for money, you sold your time reported to WT for their benefit for $0.
are you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
They criticize televangelism, but it's OK for WT to create its own televangelism network.
They criticize other religions for utilizing electronic methods for collecting donations (ATM, CCs, PAP, etc), but it is totally acceptable for WT to install such devices and employ such methods at Assembly Halls and 'convention' venues it operates.
WT claim all donations are voluntary and are not solicited, but then they require donation forms to be submitted to each member family so as to commit a specific amount that family will 'donate' every month.
my beloved grandmother has passed away and her funeral is next week at a kingdom hall.
she was a loyal jw, and unfortunately i am not understanding of the funeral procedures.
please could you kindly explain what what will happen in the funeral?
Enrique, my condolences for the loss of your Grandmother.
Welcome to the forum.
I don't know if a family member contributing to the eulogy of their loved one is not permitted as LongHairGal suggested, but in almost 40 years as a JW, I've never seen that done at a Kingdom Hall.
All JW 'memorial' services I have attended, have been as LHG mentioned, mostly a presentation about the beliefs of the departed person, with only minimal mention of the person they claim to be memoralizing.
at 95 , queen elizabeth is one sharp lady.
she lauded those people that helped break up a terrorist attack.
she didn’t take any crap from prince andrew and told him to take a hike.
Punk, just how many hands do you have?
She won't be sending herself a Queens telegram on her 100 BD, just as she doesn't issue herself a drivers license or passport.
this last week i stopped at an antique store that i go to now and then.
the lady who owns it is about 62 and very nice.
i was looking at a vintage 1963 ouija board.
JWs consider a marital engagement as a promise which is equivalent to already being married prior to the legal formality. As she broke-off the engagement, she broke her promise and so committed a sin and will likely have been 'marked' by a few of the elders whether or not she knew it. Some elders will often recall a person's sins, better than an elephant, even decades after a person has been reinstated and is supposedly 'forgiven'.
Since she committed a 'sin' which in itself she could not be disfellowshipped for, the elders were probably looking for anything else they could use as a potential excuse to DF.