CC said:
That is a great suggestion. My friends that have resigned did so in one fell swoop, not in a gradual manner you suggest.
As a JW, you are looked down upon equally whether you don't do one thing or ten. Is it better to prolong the pain of pulling the bandage off slowly or rip it off quickly and be done with it?
nowwhat said:
we need elder insiders!
No we don't. Although we all like to know background info before R&F JWs do, we'll all be fine without it.
You have already identified health & stress issues in carrying on in the manner you have. As a believer, do you really think Jehovah expects harm to yourself and your relationship with your family, in order to fullfill requirements imposed on you by an earthly organization?
It seems that many of the 'qualifications' required to become an Elder, are thrown out the window once appointed. Don't some qualifications include being balanced and being a good husband while presiding in fine manner over your family?
You state that you can never catch-up with all the work. This is by design as if you ever did become caught-up, further responsibility would be heaped upon you without hesitation.
I think the best method to deal with the situation is to flatly state that as a result of your congregation responsibilities, your health and family responsibilities are suffering and you need to take a break from all responsibilities. You could state that you no longer have joy and feel as though you no longer are balanced and a good example to the congregation. This can be portrayed as a temporary measure but it's up to you if you ever wish to be re-appointed. How this is accepted is often based upon how you sell-it to the other Elders & the congregation.
Ultimately, it's your life. Know your limitations and live within them.
Would you rather die 20 years premature of a preventable stress related condition while keeping the Elder title and all that goes with it or, live a long enjoyable life while being admired by your family as a good husband and father?
There is no guarantee as to how long you'll live but you already know the stress you are experiencing.