Welcome MuslimWoman!
It is smart of you to recognize something is not correct in your relationship and for you to come here to ask questions of people with experience and who will answer honestly. While not truly an ex-JW forum (everyone including active JWs are welcome), most forum participants are ex-JWs.
Although your boyfriend only asks for you to 'study the bible' (it will actually be Watchtower publications) for three months, his conditions will continue to increase and eventually require you to preach to others and become baptised yourself as a full fledged JW.
Even as a disfellowshipped person may not have attended JW meetings in years, many continue to hold on to a belief the JW religion is the only true religion approved by God. While they may have physically left the JW religion, the religion hasn't left them.
Until he realizes himself that religion is untrue and not chosen by God, and then decides to leave it, he will likely not be persuaded by anything you or anyone else says. If you attempt to influence his allegiance to that religion, he will probably resent you for your attempts, which may result in him being more resolved to return faster and more strongly than he would have otherwise.
Relationships within the JW religion are not just between the two people involved, but also includes the WT organization. As a wife, your needs will come third place, after his own and the organization's rules and requirements.
As previously implied, find a new potential partner who will place you above everything else including himself.