I must say, odd post. You must be in need of attention or something. If everyone here is so far off or bad, why not just unsubscribe and take off?
now is your chance to post your true sentiments.
this date will be my last post.. feel free to ridicule, humiliate, scorn, ravage, or whatever you all are used to..................as a disciple of christ, i should expect it.. brownboy
I must say, odd post. You must be in need of attention or something. If everyone here is so far off or bad, why not just unsubscribe and take off?
went down for big 7 birthday party to wit the corporate executives at mattel are singing praises to jehovah i'm sure.
the ride down was great...except for the wind blowing north and me going south...eh the blubonnets aren't quite out in all thier texas glory yet so i didn't really bother.
i was much more interested in going down and spending the little time i had to see them both.
Beautiful kids Valis!
You must be a happy Pappa.
guess i better pay closer attention next year.....sniff, sniff..... desi
What are you talking about? It is in May. Last weekend of the month.
I'm sure someone will correct me, but...
It is my understanding that there have never been any archeological proof that "Jesus was here". I do believe though, ancient writers have referred to Jesus, concerning Rome.
just hate religion all together.
i don't want to have anything to with it, it makes my skin crawl.
i don't want my daughter to be exposed to relgion in any form.
My wife and I are very spiritual. Neither of us attend nor feel the need for any religion; they are all man made. That said... I do have the utmost respect for peoples desire to have religion in their life. Some people need this to feel complete (others have suggested we are hardwired for God, and thus the desire to be close to God, which calls in religion).
When in Houston we do love attending the Unity Church. They do not teach doctrines, only to be accepting, be possitive and love all peoples. Rev. Howard Cesar is a great speaker as well.
We've tried Unity Churches in ther cities, but they just don't have the same energy.
Edited to add: http://www.unityhouston.org/
hi everyone, i just wanted to sorta introduce myself and ask for some help...i've been lurking here for a while, i'm a 3rd generation witness, but thankfully never got baptized as i never liked being told what to do!
i've been fading for a good while now, ever since i moved out 7 years ago, only going to meetings and the memorial sporatically, of course with my mom and grandmother constantly pushing me to go back etc, etc, etc!
3 years ago i married a non jw, and i have a son who will be 2 soon, ever since i had him i kept feeling so guilty that i wasn't "doing the right thing" by him, and that if jehovah was going to judge him on my "works" then we both would be fried, that is such a horrible thought as a parent... anyway, i happened to do a search about who knows what approx.
all that brainwashing just I guess doesn't go away, I guess I should ask does it ever go away
Welcome and I look foreward to hearing more from you.
It took me about 5 years to get that little devil out of the back of my head. It does go away... just be Patient.
this may sound funny, but my family would celebrate every year a " gift day".
it would be in december but never the week of christmas.
we would get gifts for each other and have a family meal.
My ex-inlaws did that. In January they would have a big party and give gifts to the kids. Crazy.
i had to go to radio shack today to buy some wire for a project.
i was helping a friend with his electronic devices and was running late to meet him.
as i stood near the check out line, a woman softly spoke my name.
Welcome Puppy!!
And yes... I miss cake!
this past week i met an old friend for coffee - she's a x-jw also but still in the trap of thinking they are the "truth" - in fact, she's trying to get reinstated, but that's another topic i'll leave for another time.. as we were having coffee 2 car groups of jw's came in for their service break.
her reaction was obvious to me that she felt uncomfortable with them there.
as i was noticing her reaction i thought of the stages i have gone through since i was df'd.. at first i was embarassed and ashamed when i would run into jw's somewhere.
Very nice post Dawn. I remember pure fear at certain stages. And you're right... I feel sorry for them now.
i know you guys are the experts so i have a question.
what is a good reasonably priced bottle of red from australia?
i prefer very dry cabernet's.