I remember, it seems, years ago the society inc. taught that meditating allowed satan into your mind. Yoga was bad!
I learned after a fall in '92, with the help of a Bio Feedback Dr., that with meditation I could adjust my body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. Later I also learned that regular meditation brought calm, positive outlook and more joy to my life.
The September issue of News Week has several facinating articles about how science now understands that body health and mind are connected. How meditation makes for healthier organs and body.
So, the question is....
Will the society inc. now say they have been given "New Light" from Jehovah about how the body and mind are connected and meditation does not allow satan a free ride into our mind? Or will they say, once again, that science is bunk? Or will they admit it was stupid to think that relaxing your mind did anything but lower stress; that they were wrong. Doubt it.
I recomend everyone read this issue of News Week. It's a great read and very informative.