LL...I don't think there is anyone here on this board, besides defd, that think the WTS hasn't told thousands of lies...I just don't see why people think this is any different!!! They had an opportunity to get the JW's out of Germany, but they encouraged them to stay and trust in Jehovah...think about the thousands that died over that. All they would have had to have done is spend a litte $$$ and they could have saved them all. Same in Africa...but they are not going to and never have spent a dime to save fellow JW's. Think of what they those in Malawi endured and had they spent a few $$$ they could have saved most of them too. It's all been LIES and they have just put their spin on it!!!
I often wondered when my sons were small and if they had to face the issue of blood transfusion, would I have let them die? Holding my sick baby in my arms, knowing that he needed a life saving blood transfusion...I probably would have believed God would forgive me for my sins...that's what the ransom sacrifice was all about anyway wasn't it? When you think about it, it's the dr or nurse that puts that needle in. I never had to face that particular situation.
When my husband was in several life of death situations(hemoglobin 3) regarding blood, I always asked him PRIVATELY what he wanted to do and told him that I would stand by his decision. His choice was that he would not take blood. He didn't base this on anything medically, but only on what he believed the Bible stated. At one time I would have done the same, for the same reasons...not because of misinformation the WTS put out. Even now, depending on the situation, I want the right to choose whether to take blood or not. If I am going to be paralyzed for the rest of my life and have brain problems, don't transfuse me to prolong my life...I'd like to see if there is a better place anyway.
P.S My husband died due to several different health problems, but refused blood to prolong his life. He was very sick and had he lived the prognosis wasn't good. At the end, he told me there were worse things in life than dying...