I guess my question was more for discussion than for answering...
I see with my family, my mother and her sisters... they are all pretty F'd up, all thier lives. They grasp at any religion, mostly extreme ones, looking for something. None of them stick to one for long, or flip flop in th and out of them. They also do this with other things in thier lives. They lack the ability to think and make decisions. They are good fodder for cults.
Since being on this site, I see many similarities in people and thier experiences. Those born into JWs may have learned those "bad" traits from thier parent/parents, and had it reinforced by hanging out with other JWs with the same lack of life abilities. Once they finally pull away from those people with similar traits and have to go it alone, they may be lost, unable to make thier own way either physically or mentally. I overcame this, late in life, but my mom and aunts are still the same as they were when they were teens.
Good job on the survey. Too bad you didnt have more numbers to work with. Maybe if you add some useless fluff or a personal attack into the survey next time and you will get 1000s of responses.