1. I had to wear straight-legged pants when bell bottoms were the rage.This was so we stood out as being different.
2. I had to have VERY short hair. This was so we stood out as being different.
3. We had to eat everthing on our plates... everything... and sweet mom would make foods we didnt like over and over, so we would "get used to them and learn to like them".
4. We had to sit in the 2nd row at the KH.... all the good people satup front. Fall asleep and get slapped on the back of the head during the meeting.
5. Being forced to give talks, from 9 yrs old on... or being in the little skits they did.
6. Not being able to bang the hell outta any of the girls in the KH
(#6 was sort of a joke)
I could go on....