Well, if the nurse spits your "donation" into the cup, its probly frowned upon.....
just a hypothetical question.
what do the witnesses believe about being a sperm donor?
Well, if the nurse spits your "donation" into the cup, its probly frowned upon.....
let me explain:.
in times past, the society's policy was that a witness mate could divorce their mate who demanded or had them perform oral sex and persisted with their views.. later the policy was revised to mean a witness mate could divorce their mate who had oral sex with someone.....outside of the marriage.. are there any here who had this experience with the old arrangement, or do you know of any cases in which this happened?.
my reason for asking is, i wonder how many lives were ruined by another wt blunder.
And many men go astray looking for the BJ they cant get at home...
http://bulletin.ninemsn.com.au/bulletin/eddesk.nsf/all/6446024d8dd451a3ca256baa00025cbf .
i see no problem in immigration..... they fear immigration because it is to blame for economic problems...hello!!!
!....there have always been and always will be economic problems due to the uneven distribution of wealth in the human society.
I personally resent anyone wanting to take my income and savings and spread it to others just to make things "even". Things arent even, and shouldnt be. With "even-ness" (socialism), you have no incentive. The USA has some of the biggest success stories in the world, but would we if the owners of these enterprises knew up front that thier money would go to everyone? What use would it be to excell? How hard would you work in your job if you knew you wouldnt get all of your raise, but rather it would be spread out amoung your fellow workers reguardless of how they did thier job?
"I never met a JW I liked."
wow... i feel guilty about even being here, let alone posting my story.
but here goes.... it was back in the late 60's that my dad (actually stepdad who adopted me and my older sister when he married our mother) got witnessed to by a guy that he worked with.
he was invited to our house for dinner along with his wife and that was the beginning of my new life.
I went all thru the ACOA and the Codependent things, and trust me, it is amazing. After looking thru it, and thru myself, I was amazed at the power I gained in myself. I also left all the shit behind from the JW brainwashing.
Do a web search on google.com for codependet+ACOA .... you will be amazed also.
did you know it is against the law to say the word prayer out loud on an airplane?
i was watching tv last night and this man was nearly arrested.
he has been a christian for over 30 years.. he was on an airplane here in the united states, with his wife and another friend.
Most of the feel-good safety bullshit going on is nothing more than a failed attempt at making people feel safer.
I was in the Phoenix airport last nite, dropping my son off. We couldnt go beyond the "security area", made up of ribbon barricades. As my son wandered thru there, I asked my wife how far she thought I could get before getting stopped. She said "dont do it".... hahha... I wasnt gonna, but explained that IF I was a suicide bomber, standing where I was, being my size and weight I could easily make it past the guard at the exit and into the terminals, hand on the trigger. She agreed. She also got a little scared at how easy it would be.
Its all smoke and mirrors, folks.
"i feel you should remember where you got the truth.
first, who was the one feeding you to where you are now.".
hows about "FU, go away" for an answer? It works for me.....
someone replied to a post i entered and got me thinking what others perceive about us due to the nicks or id we have chosen.
some of the nicks i am sure are just self explanatory , others are cute, or simple.
although i suspect that very many in this room,took time to think of theirs and definitly the nick holds some little secret as to who they are as a person.
I got mine in the 70's.... I farted loudly in a group of my friends... one gal said "you are such a f*ckin animal.... and the guys I rode with said "thats it, your Animal!"
thank you, thank you, thank you for making me see that i'm wasting my time being in a world of bitter, twisted, self-absorbed people and helping me to wake up to the benefits of being a jehovah's witness!
if any of you come back with the ol - the jw's are full of bitter, twisted, people (in the most stupid arse voice of course!
), i'll reply, yeah, but not as rampant as the rest of the world.....call me crazy if you like, i don't care, because it's my salvation i'm worried about not yours....you've thrown it away because you can't see the bigger picture....trials and tribulation will always abound in this day and age...it is proving like job that we are not discouraged by the trials that gains us the most happiness because we know the trials won't go on much longer and jah will repay us 100 fold for our pain....that's a damn good reward to me!
If she were serious, she wouldnt reply.... when she sobers up, she will apologize and assume it will be forgotten.
i got a note from my sons daycare the other day saying that for their spring project we need to bring in 'family flowers'.
basically they want us to make a flower shaped collage of family photos which they are going to display in the classroom.
each petal should have a picture of a different family member.
thats rite... break the pattern and let HIM think for himself and pic the pics. In time, he will see what they are.
If you put your thoughts in his head, you will be doing the same as your folks.
I propose you do like I did... start your family tree there, with just you two. No one else in the family exsists. Start fresh.
Also... find your long lost family. It may surprise you.
in yahoo chat?
icq or msn?.
while shopping?
I met mine when her boyfriend ran off with my girlfriend back in 81 or 82.... I went out with her for revenge. We have been together since.
That was 19 years, 2 kids, and many cats/dogs ago... and we are still riding together.