I believe we were taught that Jesus was around thirty years old when he was Baptized. Now I was always told that the bible mentioned specific things like times and dates for a reason .as a guide for us to follow. So by telling us his age this would seem to be very important for us . It should be a guide line for us to follow as to when we should be baptized, should'nt it? Yet I have seen young kids 8 , 9 years old getting baptized. Now if Jesus who we are told was perfect waited till he was in his thirtys shouldn't we wait till then also? It was only when I reached my thirtys did I finally feel a complete sense of maturity. I was baptized when I was 15 . I feel that that baptism should be null and void. All these kids dedicating their lives to something at such a young age is crazy. This is supposed to be the most important dedication in your whole life and they let kids make that choice???? If your 9 year old says "mom I really feel that I want to get married" do you say "Oh ok honey you're old enough to make that decision"HECK NO! Yet we allow them to contract the rest of their life out to an organization that will shun them if they do wrong now that they are baptized. Why so young? Why can't witnesses just wait like Jesus did? What, hasn't the light gotten bright enough yet for the society to come to this understanding? According to them I am now blind ,yet I see it . Whats the youngest baptizm anyone here has ever seen or heard of?
JoinedPosts by annalice
shouldn't we wait till we're 30+ to be baptized?
by annalice ini believe we were taught that jesus was around thirty years old when he was baptized.
now i was always told that the bible mentioned specific things like times and dates for a reason .as a guide for us to follow.
so by telling us his age this would seem to be very important for us .
upstate NewYork, anyone?
by annalice inhey everyone .
just wondering , anyone here from upstate new york?
Hey everyone . Just wondering , anyone here from upstate New York?
Sister n law wacko. PLEASE! Need advice!
by annalice inmy husband and i have not been to meetings for several years now.
we have finally had our first child after 13 years of marriage.
he is now 5 months old.
Just responding back. MY sister-in - law is in her early thirties still lives at home ,never dated, been married ,and has no real social group of friends except her parents. The three of them go on trips , go out together, and that is her world. She has never been to happy that her two older brother went off and got married had kids and got lives of their own. She also refused to come to my baby shower and to see us in the hospital. When they all see the baby is when we go down to their house they never come here even though we are only 30 min away and they have an open invitation to visit us whenever they want. My husband and I are not idiots who need her telling us all this crap. Before we left I had been a full time pioneer and he was a M.S. we were on are way to moving up in the Org. and had both been in it since childhood.
Sister n law wacko. PLEASE! Need advice!
by annalice inmy husband and i have not been to meetings for several years now.
we have finally had our first child after 13 years of marriage.
he is now 5 months old.
MY husband and I have not been to meetings for several years now. We have finally had our first child after 13 years of marriage. He is now 5 months old. My sister in law has started sending us letters about going back to the Org. and saving our babies life. I have photocopied the last letter she sent us from a few weeks ago and posted it with this message. I hope it comes through. When we recieved this letter that told us that we were commiting PRE-ARMAGEDON GHEHENA SUICIDE ! I put in in an envelope and sent it right back to her hoping she would get the point. I guess she did'nt. Yesterday we got another letter from her with photo copies of the book Organized to do Jehovahs Will. Pages 150/151, 155 ,156 & 157 She asked for us to please read these pages and decide if we cosidered ourselves either Marked ,Inactive or Dissassociated.She even took the time to cut out and make two cards for us that say
I,_______________________(print name)
belive that I am:
Signatue_____________________________ date:______________
She then asks that we return these cards to her in the pre-addressed and stamped envelopes she provided and that she would then pass them on to the elders.
Now forgive me ,but what the!!!!!!? Isn't that something that if we wanted to do would be between us and the elders of OUR congregation? not hers? and is it any of her business what we consider ourselves? What we consider ourselves as is Good people who have decided not to raise their child in the org. but to raise him to be kind and accepting of all people and not to judge them based on their religous choice. Even if they choose to be a Witness. MY child WILL NOT BE BRAINWASHED. So , what should we do? contact her elders and tell them what she is doing ? Try to talk to her? (not that she would listen). I really don't know. Does anyone have any advice????? Me personally ? I'm thinking restraining order.
How many left of 144,000?
by annalice ini just saw a feb 1, 2006 watchtower.
there were 8,524 memorial partakers.
isn't that a bit high?
I just saw a Feb 1, 2006 watchtower. there were 8,524 memorial partakers. Isn't that a bit high? What is the societies view on the 144,000? I always thought that in order to be one of the annointed you had to have been alive back in 1914 and able to understand the events unfolding at that time. Has the definition changed? there is no way over 8,000 people are alive still from back then . They would have to be over 100. Does anyone have the last dozen years totals on the partakers ? Shouldn't it be rapidley declining?
Cheap Looking Bibles
by annalice ini have not been to a kingdom hall for several years now.
just the other day my inlaws sent my husband a new watchtower society bible .
it has the cheapest plastic cover i have ever seen.
I have not been to a kingdom Hall for several years now. Just the other day my inlaws sent my husband a new watchtower society bible . It has the cheapest plastic cover I have ever seen. Have they done away with the leather bound bibles? This one is so cheap I'm embaressed to show it to anyone. Not that I have much use anymore to show a bible to anyone. But anyway what is happening to the societies books ?are they lacking in funds to make nice books anymore?
by CeriseRose inokay i got back from the doctor yesterday, and in the past 11 months, without doing anything in particular for diet and exercise, i've lost 12 pounds.
12 pounds!
i've been overweight my whole life and being able to "live" while losing is huge.. i joined curves and will be doing that 3-4 times per week.
I have done Yoga , but what I found that I really like is Pilates. The gym that I went to combined yoga moves and pilates workouts on the mat. I went down one dress size in a couple off weeks and my core muscles are very strong now. I have not had to go to the chiropractor since I started the Pilates. Many off the older women in my class have reported that they have gained at least a half and inch back in height since starting . Its very good for your body and there is no hard impact on the joints. There are a lot of Videos out there offering this type of workout. I would try looking for yoga or pilates videos on Amazon.com. Then you will be able to read the reviews of others who have already tried them.
Does God have a Dimmer switch?
by annalice inone thing that never made sense to me when i was a jw.
why is god always making the light brighter?
is it on some type of dimmer switch?
One thing that never made sense to me when I was a JW. Why is God always making the light brighter? Is it on some type of dimmer switch? Can HE only turn the the ligth on real slowly? When his chosen people finally appeared at the turn of the century why didn't they just get the info given to them all at once? Why is that stupid light getting brighter and brighter? When will it be fully turned on? This is something that I would really like to know?
newest JW video?
by annalice ini"ll start by telling you that i was over at my brother in-laws house the other day with my husband.
while there my four year old niece was showing me her new disney video.
my sister in-law turned to my niece and said " sarah , why don't you tell your aunt about the scary video you saw the other day.
hi every one. I"ll start by telling you that I was over at my brother in-laws house the other day with my husband. While there my four year old niece was showing me her new Disney video. My sister in-law turned to my niece and said " Sarah , why don't you tell your aunt about the SCARY video you saw the other day. Tell her about the scary part". So my niece turned to me and said " OHHHHHHHHH it was sooooooo scary , the people were all on the road and the earth opened up and they all went AHHHHHHHHHHHHH and fell down into SHEOL! " I couldn't believe at first what i was hearing so I turnedto my sis-in-law and said "what the heck is she talking about?" So she say's " oh thats from the newest wacktower video. She watched it with us the other day". All i can say is that I felt sick to my stomach. Nothing like getting the fear into the child when they're young. Ibrought it up to my husband when were in the car after and he tells me I"m always making a big deal out of nothing, and blowing things out of proportion. Does anyone out there have a nice solid brick wall I could bang my head on???? So any way back to the video . what is this video called ? whats it about?
Question on the NWT translation
by Nowhere inone intresting thing is that both the kingdom interlinear and the nwt is based on the greek text of westcott & hort.
that is a good text, and was the text for about two generations.
but today no one except the watchtower society bases their translation on that text.
While researching different bible translations I found an article titled "Why So Many Versions ?" By Daniel B. Wallace, Ph.D. His research is on modern bible translations. He goes into which ones are are faithful to the original and should we use the ones that are translated word-for-word or phrase-for-phrase? He writes about several different versions including the NWT. When writing about the NWT he says this " Finally, a word should be said about the NWT by Jehovah's Witnesses. Due to the sectarian bias of the group, as well as to the lack of genuine biblical scholarship, I believe that the NWT is by far the worst translation in English dress. It purports to be word-for-word, and in most cases is slavishly literal to the point of being terrible English. But, ironically, whenever a sacred cow is demolished by the biblical writers themselves, the Jehovah's Witnesses twist the text and resort to an interpretive type of translation. In short, it combines the cons of both worlds, with none of the pros. In his summary he says its best to own versions that offer word-for-word translations and also some that use phrase-for-phrase translation