My roommate was listening in on the Thursday ministry school meeting via speaker phone last week, and from my room I heard a man talk at length about how Jehovah's generosity exceeds that of all others.
Just a couple weeks prior to this, I had gotten into an argument with my roommate over whether or not Jehovah will resurrect our pets. She, of course, said no, because "Jesus didn't die for animals," despite my many conjectures:
1. That animals themselves were once sacrificed in order to fulfill the ransom of Christ before He was born
2. The Bible tells animals have souls
3. Animals are without sin, and therefore don't need Jesus to die for them
4. Jehovah promised us the desires of our hearts, and I firmly believe that should include resurrecting our pets
She dug her Bible out and quoted something from Corinthians at me, but I was too upset to remember what it was. All I can recall is that it was too vague for anyone in their right mind to get "animals die forever" out of it. In fact, it sounded to me like the writer admitted in a roundabout way that he didn't have the answer either.
As it grew increasingly harder to argue with her, I started saying things like "my mom always said if she could bring our pets back to life, she would, so why wouldn't Jehovah?" and "if it were up to you, wouldn't YOU resurrect your pets?" She finally said, in an angry tone (which is EXTREMELY rare for her because she is literally one of the most cheerful, positive people you will ever meet) "Well, you can take it up with Jehovah," and "I don't want to argue with you, because what you're saying sounds very close to blasphemy."
To call a god who refuses to resurrect our pets the most generous being in all of creation when countless humans would not hesitate to do so if they had the power is probably one of the most deceptive things I have ever heard from the borg.