JoinedTopics Started by Nevuela
This Is It?
by Nevuela ini can't say much out of fear of getting caught, but i overheard a jw i know on the phone with a friend talking about "how close we are to the end.
" yeah, yeah, i know.
we've been on the brink of armageddon for well over a century, but what struck me about this particular instance was what she said next.
Blood Transfusion Permitted
by Nevuela ini just overheard an anointed acquaintance on the phone with a friend of hers who has just had surgery for cervical cancer.
among the snippets of dialogue i heard on my end of the line, these ones stood out:.
"you lost a lot of blood?
Increase in Second Sealings for the Anointed?
by Nevuela inthe other day i heard my anointed roommate on the phone, discussing something called the "second sealing".
i heard her say that most anointed people only receive it shortly before death, if they receive it at all.
she went on to say that she has been hearing about several other anointed people receiving theirs recently and not dying afterward.
How do I quote on this site?
by Nevuela inevery time i've asked this in an existing thread, i've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again.
i simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
i can copy/paste the quote, sure, but nothing i do makes it appear in a yellow box like everyone else.
Odd choice of words
by Nevuela inwhy is it that when a jw gives someone a magazine, they use the word "place" instead of "give"?
as in "i placed a magazine with him".
and why do regular door-to-door jws of no special rank refer to themselves as publishers?
JW Facebook Groups
by Nevuela inis anyone here familiar with the facebook group "jehovah's people: enduring these last days together"?
it's a closed group, so obviously you need to be a member in order to access any info or posts.
my anointed roommate is really frustrated because she's an admin and someone is taking miscellaneous posts from the group and posting it on their own page, which has the exact same name, minus the word "together.
Missing Thread: "Kingdom Cookies" and Worshiping a Rock From Bethel
by Nevuela inanyone know what happened to that thread?
i remember reading it a few weeks back, but now i can't find it with any of the search terms that i included in the title of this thread.
basically it was about jws viewing bethel as the holy land and objects from it as sacred, which included cafeteria cookies dubbed "kingdom cookies" and one brother showing off a piece of broken concrete from a construction site at bethel, to the oohs and ahhhs of his fellow r&f.. was that a thread of its own, or were some folks just talking about it in an unrelated thread?.
Signs That Armageddon is "Any Day Now"
by Nevuela inmy "anointed" roommate told me a good one today.
as we were discussing psychotropic medications, she brought up a friend of hers who was recently forced off of "benzodiazepine" (there is no one drug by this name; rather, it is a specific classification of drug).
she claimed that many people are being forced off of the medication(s) due to "concerns over side effects," and that her friend is suffering from withdrawal on top of whatever symptoms the drug was previously helping to control (she didn't elaborate and i didn't feel comfortable asking, sorry).. my roommate then went on record to say (i'm paraphrasing here) "this is why armageddon has to happen very soon, because satan is using this system to make all these people suffer psychologically to drive them into the streets and go crazy.
Obedience At Its Blindest
by Nevuela injust a little something my "anointed" roommate posted on facebook a few months ago, along with replies from her fellow jws.
it was chilling to read, so i took a screenshot and saved it for future reference.
please feel free to share your own stories of blind obedience within the org.
Ponderings of a Worldly Person
by Nevuela in35-year-old female in california here.
never a jw, but have had bible studies and attended several meetings and even a convention once.
i've always been agnostic with leanings toward the belief in some deity or other, although the more i learned from the jw's, the more i've learned to doubt, not just their teachings, but the fundamental teachings of all religions.