scratchme1010 (He had 13 children; to me that's the real origin of the idea of eating leaves).
I don't get it. What does the number of children he had have to do with eating leaves?
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
scratchme1010 (He had 13 children; to me that's the real origin of the idea of eating leaves).
I don't get it. What does the number of children he had have to do with eating leaves?
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
OneEyedJoe Have you asked your wife what she thinks about the two-witness rule, and how it affects children who are the victims of sexual abuse?
to illustrate how the botchtower's groupies are losing brain cells...last year an elder told me some of the increase in the anointed is due to those who have been unfaithful and needed to be replaced.
when i was in first grade i knew that if i had 10 marbles and i lost one and a friend gave me a marble to replace the one i lost that i once again had 10 not 11 marbles.. jdubs are very good at not thinking..
What do you mean, Sour Grapes? It makes perfect sense to me. The GB is not saying there are MORE anointed now. They are not saying there will be more than 144,000. An increase in anointed DOES make sense in that, as some already anointed are being corrupted, others must be anointed to take their place.
If you had a tank full of guppies and several of them died on you, you'd scoop them out and maybe buy more guppies if you were determined to keep their population at a specific number (say 10). Five died and you replaced them, but no, you don't suddenly have 15 guppies. You only have 10.
And the thing about the anointed is, even the GB knows that there are a lot of posers and liars out there, and even some people who genuinely believe they are anointed but are simply delusional. Why do you think the anointed are never given special treatment? Not because we're not supposed to "idolize" our fellow humans or give certain people preferential treatment.
GB members, COs and even elders get the celebrity treatment ALL THE TIME, and women are practically expected to worship their husbands. The reason the anointed don't get any recognition other than as an annual statistic is because nobody truly believes a person who claims they have been anointed.
And no, I don't believe in or support any of the JW's vile nonsense. I am only saying their logic on this ONE particular issue makes a modicum of sense to me. No doubt they believe more anointed are being "corrupted" by Satan because we are "SO close to the end" so naturally there have to be replacements.
i have friends who are called "worldly people" by jws.
these people are actively involved in feeding the homeless over christmas.
managing thrift shops so they can send financial aid overseas to poorer children.
i'm sure many of you are aware of the jwtalk site, a message board which has yet to succumb to apostasy (give it time).. some of the forums there are visible to the public, and i've seen some crazy stuff.
here is a sampling:.
"satan is really trying his best to make things worst for the witnesses, knowing the 6,000 years is almost up, from eve's creation!".
so this is just a general question.
call it curiosity.. what sort of phobias do we have?
Something closer to an actual phobia would be how I cannot go within 5 or 6 feet of an active smoke alarm. I am so afraid of them that I will NOT go near or even touch one, even to change the batteries. As long as there are batteries in it, even dead batteries, I WILL NOT GO NEAR IT. EVER. The only smoke alarm that doesn't scare me is one that is still sealed in its original package.
Same with pool drains. I will NEVER swim anywhere near one, not even if it's in the deep end and it's 12 feet below me. Nope nope nope.
so this is just a general question.
call it curiosity.. what sort of phobias do we have?
Trypophobia is not an actual phobia. The American Psychiatric Association does not recognize it as legitimate, because so far not one single case has been reported of an actual fear of seeing a series of holes. There is a huge difference between being grossed out by it and being so terrified of it that it affects your ability to function normally around it. The latter is how a phobia is defined.
ok, so what are the most deceptive comments that you have heard from your experience in congregations?.
my top three are;.
1) service overseer during the ’ how did we do?’ annual talk, twisted the figures to such an extent that it looked like the congregations ministry was in tip-top shape.
My roommate was listening in on the Thursday ministry school meeting via speaker phone last week, and from my room I heard a man talk at length about how Jehovah's generosity exceeds that of all others.
Just a couple weeks prior to this, I had gotten into an argument with my roommate over whether or not Jehovah will resurrect our pets. She, of course, said no, because "Jesus didn't die for animals," despite my many conjectures:
1. That animals themselves were once sacrificed in order to fulfill the ransom of Christ before He was born
2. The Bible tells animals have souls
3. Animals are without sin, and therefore don't need Jesus to die for them
4. Jehovah promised us the desires of our hearts, and I firmly believe that should include resurrecting our pets
She dug her Bible out and quoted something from Corinthians at me, but I was too upset to remember what it was. All I can recall is that it was too vague for anyone in their right mind to get "animals die forever" out of it. In fact, it sounded to me like the writer admitted in a roundabout way that he didn't have the answer either.
As it grew increasingly harder to argue with her, I started saying things like "my mom always said if she could bring our pets back to life, she would, so why wouldn't Jehovah?" and "if it were up to you, wouldn't YOU resurrect your pets?" She finally said, in an angry tone (which is EXTREMELY rare for her because she is literally one of the most cheerful, positive people you will ever meet) "Well, you can take it up with Jehovah," and "I don't want to argue with you, because what you're saying sounds very close to blasphemy."
To call a god who refuses to resurrect our pets the most generous being in all of creation when countless humans would not hesitate to do so if they had the power is probably one of the most deceptive things I have ever heard from the borg.
i had heard a bit about it, most of it positive.
i typed 'eraserhead review' into youtube and quite a few videos came up that presumably attempted to explain the film.. i couldn't be arsed watching a youtube vid with some artsy-fartsy person droning on about eraserhead and lynch so i thought i'd start an op about it instead.. i bought the dvd a few days ago.
i gotta say, it's quite a strange film.