more like old light that has finally sunk in. the change was in 1988. they said normal family affections could continue. it seems to be taking almost 15 years before people are doing so.
JoinedPosts by XQsThaiPoes
Is there new light on disfellowshipping?
by Chasity ini had no idea there were so many ex jw's.
i have been out since 1998. officially booted in feb. 2001. i am not sure on what grounds though because i never went to my meeting.
all i heard is that accusations had been made.
by Lostreality inafter talking to my dad last night, i realise there is no scriptual reason to not celebrate thanksgiving, he just kept repeating how "its a fake, its a scam".
how is it fake?
is there any scriptual reasoning?
Muhahahaha! You are ALL wrong! JWs celebrate thanks giving wholesale. Most of the people in our cong go to thanks giving to magic mountian, and one of our close JW freinds said she couldn't go to a theme park because she was celebrating TG with her family!
(I guess this is the to F* cheap to celebrate X-mas doctrine)
Will Money Cause the Watchtower to Dump Statistics?
by metatron inthe watchtower has a problem that's been emerging over the past few years.
worldwide growth still exists, it is increasingly compensated for by decreases in the .
economically advanced nations.
WHat may happen is they still keep local statistics for the CO weeks and may keep the global total, but erase the national statistics. If you notice the watchtower has never printed all the statistics, they always omitt several countries including large ones like china. If you can omitt a country with 1.5 billion people omitting one with 250 million (usa) is easy. So that way the growth is the 3rd world contributes more to the grand total.
by metatron inif the link doesn't work, go to and click on the 'methusaleh prize" story.. if this experiment passes critical review, it will revolutionize scientific thinking about aging.
the last vestiges.
of pessimism will be blown away!
The watchtower had a whole talk on anti aging, and resurection technology. Instead of taking the predicable stance that it would never happen they took the stance that when it does happen not to abandon ship because this will still be satans system. So basically they are promoting some type of theological HMO than a religion.
Another JW Refuses Blood
by Kenneson inthis one from nigeria.
see "robbery victim rejects blood transfusion" at.
RM you are 100% dead on correct. I have seen worse where entire elder bodies get in on the cover up. When the miracle recovery from Jehovah came in a lil burgandy bag. Sadly people here litterally believe that JWs really unilaterally practice what they preach. When in real life they always try to look for a technicality or a conspiracy to protect them.
by vitty innow wishful thinking is different from the facts, but in our age of technology, which is pretty new!.
how long do you think the wts got before the "truth" is out ?
( i hope its soon).
The watchtower is changing every day they just don't tell anyone. So for all of you that say it is outdated you are wrong. The watchtower can last another 50 years at least. It is the JWs that will have to change. We have gotten terribly inept, and stupid. If we don't change the watchtower may very well leave us and go at it alone, since legally it is already deep into that direction.
Baby Dies in Texas After Mother Reports Cutting off Arms
by Mecurious? indid anyone else hear about this?
here is the link:.
BG I work with speacial needs children every day. Childrens services are very liberal and trying to put them in any home that will take them. I would like to give a word of advice. There are two types of speacial needs children, ones with natural disorders, such as downs syndrome, sickle cell, congenial heart defects etc, these are remotely normal children given their circumstances, and then there are the substance abuse victims. The children suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, and "crack babies" are the majority of speacial needs children that are up for adoption. These children while appearing normal on the surface ARE NOT!
Some suffer from respatory problems that are sometimes downplayed, or even unlisted to place a child with a family. And so far all of them I have met suffer from some type of nurological disorder. Which usually manifest as the inableity to feel pain, emotional instability, agression, and irritability. You end up with toddlers that are mad at the world, with invulnerability to pain, and constantly attacking other children. When two get into a fight it is very bloody. Two of our kids was gone for the weekend and they came back in stitches. They got into a fight and had to be taken to emergency. One was almost blinded because his sister tried to gouge out his eyes. These kids are only 2.
I sincerely doubt anyone would want to raise a child like this unless you are willing to become a trained professional and a parent. Many of their adopted parents are adopting them simply for free sevices and extra money. I am not trying to scare you but it is very difficult to control a child suffering from substace abuse. It can be done. I do it every day but most people that adopt are not expecting their new baby to sucker punch them. Sadly it is not the kids fault. Their nurological growth was distorted by what ever their biological parents ingested. Some are still going through withdrawls, or on medication to cope with it. They are wonderful bright, children with they are not trying to maim each other.
"Just being seen on the street is a witness."
by seattleniceguy inremember how the witnesses used to always say that even if they didn't meet anyone home, just being seen by traffic on the street was a witness?
as if the people driving by are saying to themselves, "wow, look at those servants of the true god, bringing the waters of life to my door.
if only i weren't so bull-headed, i might listen to them and attain a good relationship with my creator.
Hey that boy on a 10 speed is kicking our collective A*
Actually I notice the wts does not knowwhat to do with american/every other devoloped country witnessing. I mean you litterally can do everything right and still talk to nobody. So now they are impling house to house is not good enought. They don't want to get rid of it or have people devote the 2 hours on satureday to other forms of witnessing. They want you to do the fruitless work and then try other methods. The reason I think is simply cash flow. A magazine comes out every week. So many JWs donate twice a month weither they place anything or not and most order more copies than they need (the idea of placing 1 mag in 8 blocks has not impacted donation habbits). If you said stop doing d2d many people would pick up less magazines and thus donate less.
The wts alternatives are telemarketing (which not even the jw calling likes), and soliciting parking lots (yeah fight a turf war the kids with the backpacks full of perfume), and stores employees (like managers are going to call a meeting so the JW sales reps can offer them new products to stock the shelves with).
The WTS should just do a tithe and buy magazine rack space. Heck if they get into wal mart many JWs life would be an endless loop.
Go to work at walmart stock the shelves.
Go to the hall stock the magazine counter.
Go to take magazines from hall magazine counter to stock magazine rack at walmart.
Go to buy groceries at wal mart then go home and stock your pantry.
Go to sleep.
Wake up!
Go to walmart to restock what you bought yesterday.
Rinse, wash, repeat!
Is owning your business for jws?
by badboy in.
in view of the fact that in the latest brochure keep on the watch!, it says that babylon the great .
has been in league with business etc etc living off its profits and all that, should jws set up in business?
I general I say no.
My mother has a sucessful business and like an idiot hired a bunch of people with out highschool diplomas(jws that literally never graduated), she over pays them, and never fires them for nearly getting here sued out of business every 3 week. She basically does it because she does not want to put "undue hardship" on them. Her other JW friend that also has a sucessful biz told her she is an idiot for hiring JWs, or realatives, and told her how to slowly phase out every JW employee. She is slowly but surely doing it.
The thing is she has these drop outs working when people with phds, and masters have offered to work for her at the same price. She is slowly learning better.
I think the thing that makes jws do this is the fact many pre 1990's JWs are so poor, and they know all the JW jargon, and taboos. Even adult children of JWs seem to get first pick over a regular "wordly" person. I think JW owners are embrassed to have their subordinants know they are in such a contrversial religion. As if your Janitor is going to start humming kingdom meleodies 5 minute before the lunch break is over and walking the halls with a please be seated sign. But back to the poor thing many jws have dead end jobs because they never went to school and have already started a family. Many have to fight for employment on the same level with illegal immigrants. This makes JW that own a biz targets of constant soliciting when Brother or Sister X losses their job. Plus it makes other JWs evious.
While a finely tuned prefessional staff of jws can work magic the odds of finding the right people are almost nhil unless you are in one of those monastic buildings in NY.
Face it in the real world JWs are only good cashiers (the ice cream stand remark was on target). Since atms and self service is totally taking over a long with check 21 the advantages of hiring a jw are dwarfed by that of a PoP terminal. Personally I like JWs but not enought to settle for substandard services. If you are a JW owner you are going to actually be gasp objective! Thus realizing JWs are no better than anyone else. The horror.
You DON'T Have To Listen To The Elders If They Say They Want To Meet ....
by minimus ineveryone that is in the process of leaving dreads the thought of having the elders approach them, call them, etc.
the fact is----just because they say they want to meet with you or just because 2 elders stop by to visit you----you don't have to deal with them at all.
simply tell them you won't meet with them, you won't talk to them.
Gary us kinda right. I also notice real life is different than the advertising the wts puts in its magazines. You can get away with anything in JWs as long as it is a secret. If there is any chance that the secret will leave the little back room they want to bring the wrath of God down upon you. It is terrible to think that some people believe the JC is a "kangaroo court" or "witchhunt". It is neither it is a arangement drafted by lawyers to protect the wts from being liable. It allows them to be privilage and not privalege at the same time so if they are sued they can pick what ever side suits them. Other churches do it too but nobody cares because they usually are not as asinine.
Also this is why elders rarely set a time for more than one JC meeting. The impromtude "the elders want to meet with you after the meeting" is of a legal loop hole. This is also why the elders like to do unannouced sheparding calls to get most of the facts straightened out before hand so they only have to JC at the hall once. It is all a dance so complicated the layman easily gets lost including my self. Heck even judges do. To see that is really just a fire wall and have zero religious meaning just get a court transcript. Like the WT lawyer said in NH well if judge (forgot his name) is counfused on if the JW elders have privilage how are they to know? Are they suppossed call laywers to advise them on what is privilage and what is not.
It is suprising even here for people not to mention that these things are structured not to boost the egos of "men", but to protect supranational NGO's.