awesome..........just awesome...........
I am overjoyed for you, Puternut!!!
i have been calling my kids for some time now.
i am moving far away soon, and since i haven't had any contact with my daughters, i called them to let them know i was moving, and would like to say goodbye, before i flew away.
weeks went by, as ususal, and no response.
if y'all remember, i posted a couple of days ago that i'd had the 'talk' w/ my mom and it went really well.
well, at her request, i had the 'talk' w/ my dad.
mind you, he's been in the truth since the mid-50's, elder, pioneer, etc, etc.
my mom had her valve replacement and triple by-pass surgery today.
the operation lasted five hours, and they had just gotten her to her room at 8:00pm when she went into cardiac arrest.
the doctor tried everything, even opening up her chest and massaging her heart.
i liked all the fuss on the thread about younger girls.
i once was a younger girl, and i could command any man to do what i wanted because i was beautiful and young.
now that i am older and uglier, i have to use my wits.
just curious.... i learned when i was 17 years old, when i was a jw .
(against their rules).
i still can read it.... i like artificial languages.
i liked all the fuss on the thread about younger girls.
i once was a younger girl, and i could command any man to do what i wanted because i was beautiful and young.
now that i am older and uglier, i have to use my wits.
I saw your pics from the Dallas party.............
You are NEITHER fat nor ugly.........
All of us gals have days when we look into the mirror and think......
"Oh, shit........Could I BE any uglier?"
but what really counts is what's inside..........
Your ability to sympathize with others.......
making the rest of us smile, when we really want to cry............
and the loyalty you show to the ones you care about...
I wish I could be HALF the person you
and I appreciate you for who you are RIGHT now..........
does the wts have any rules...even unsaid implications...on pet ownership.
i have been hearing conflicting thing.
does the wts have any rules...even unsaid implications...on pet ownership.
i have been hearing conflicting thing.
avenger,i think it was, mentioned that he wasn't warned that he was studying with an incestious/psychopathic family/individual.. does the wt have a duty of care towards its members?