Ray wrote two excellent books, they are very valuable to EX-JWs. Millions were dissfellowshiped over the decades. There are many those who never been JWs but lost their family members to the Watchtower and would do anything to get them out.
If someone reads one of his books most likely s/he will read the other too. No doubt there is demand for his books. Thanks to the Internet more and more JWs become inactive every year. I heard that here in Canada alone the Watchtower lost about 20,000 of its members in the last five years. They too will read his writings.
I think if Ray would sell his books like most writers, he would earn enough money to live a modest life.
He spent over 40 years in the “full time service”. He never had much money to spend.
If he suffers financially it is shame on us all. He helped us greatly, he deserves our support! I am leaning toward becoming an atheist but many EX-JWs claim to be Christians. Christian love and obligations should move us to find out how his doing financially. Many of you who post here know him personally. Why don’t you give him a call or pay a visit and ask if he needs help.
I just checked there were over 2700 accounts created just on this board alone and who knows how many lurkers are out there who read our posts regularly. We could organize a campaign to buy a book from him.
Those who have Rays books already, they could donate it to public libraries or mail them to active JWs.
Doing so would help Ray to earn the many he and Cynthia needs and would also help to “Brake up the works of the Devil”. The more books are out the better it is. It would probably help to brake free many still active JWs and best of all piss off those evil cone artists in Brooklyn.