I can see it know! (I really shoud pay more attetion the next time I post) :) I live in Kitchener, not far from you.
You Know
Give me a break! It was calibrated precisely to the first week of October, 1975. Whasn't it?
i read this in the news on cnn's website today.
will the watchtower set it's dooms day clock back a few minutes?
what dou you think?.
I can see it know! (I really shoud pay more attetion the next time I post) :) I live in Kitchener, not far from you.
You Know
Give me a break! It was calibrated precisely to the first week of October, 1975. Whasn't it?
i read this in the news on cnn's website today.
will the watchtower set it's dooms day clock back a few minutes?
what dou you think?.
My browser opens at CNN's web site. As soon I read the article I rushed to the board to share it with you.
Well, I should have checked all the new posts first. Sorry guys!
can you beat these easy ideas?.
to advertise "watchtower society hides child molestors" try the following:.
get a piece of cardboard or other paper, print on it the message in large red letters, place in back of your car-truck-van window.
To Josephus
Truth is like a two edged sword, it cuts both ways. I would rather upset the conscience of some active JWs than allow an organization to hide serious wrongdoing just to save it's face.
The focus should be on justice and providing healing to the victims no matter how many witnesses may stumble.
i read this in the news on cnn's website today.
will the watchtower set it's dooms day clock back a few minutes?
what dou you think?.
I read this in the news on CNN's website today. Will the Watchtower set it's dooms day clock back a few minutes? What dou you think?
CNN News -- Incidents of violent crime plummeted nearly 15 percent in 2000, the steepest one-year drop since the federal government began keeping track in 1973, the Justice Department said today
(June 13, 2001).
before i make my first justice post tomorrow, i thought that my introduction would be useful.
i have updated this from the original:.
many jws, whether of low or high station in the organization have been caught up in the vortex of watch tower justice.
Hi Amazing.
The next time you start a series please indicate somehow how many parts your series have all together. (e.g. 1 of 5, 2 of 5 etc..)
I don't wanna miss any of them.
Hi sKally
I translated the page using this site:
Here is the translation:
every source i've looked at is very vague and my witness friends just keep encouraging me to stop asking questions and come to meetings.
my sense is, since i disagree so much with jw doctrine and the way it is presented in awake and especially watchtower that i'd never make it as a jw.
still i am curious what the process is and what "tests" if any one must pass.. any info will be much appreciated.. thanks,.
And you will have to underline every Watchtower magazin becouse I can garantee you that the brother or sister sitting next to you in the Kingdom Hall will check it, and if you don't underline the articles it may negatively affect your status.
If you are marked as weak in faith you may be left out of social activities in the congregation.
looking back over many years of prayers, i cannot pinpoint any time when i felt, unequivocally, that i had received a personal response to my prayers.
can anyone here relate any experiences where you have felt that god answered prayers for you?
man it's good to be home, relaxed and de-stressing right now!
how many times today, i just wanted to say aaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!
at my circuit's one-day assembly.
I live in Toronto
deceptive jw elders case#6 .
jw elders can be, and often are, deceptive in how they smear the names and events concerning former jws, especially where alleged apostasy is involved.. when i moved to a particular congregation, i was at first very impressed with the good camaraderie and the help we were given in getting settled.
the congregation was far more outgoing and often held events at a public park where they gathered to enjoy barbecue, swimming, sports, etc.
Hi Amazing:
I am sure Jehovah revealed it to the brothers. Remember! Jehovah keeps his organization clean! :)
I don't know how they did it. I live near Georgetown, there were a few bethelites assigned to my congregation. I heard from one of them that Frank was caught stuffing apostate literature under other's door in bethel. Probably somebody saw him doing it.
Frank Toth was prominent in the Canadian Bethel.