I disagree, and here's why.
If the victims were children when the report was made to elders, it should be reported to police, by law.
If victims are over 18 yoa when report is made to elders, the legal REQUIREMENT to report is moot, altho' anyone who chooses to report may do so without legal ramification.
When police investigate an abuse outcry, they consult existing records of past reports of abuse related to the named perpetrator. A report of past abuse can support probable cause for a search warrant, or basis for the detective or officer to take a subsequent outcry seriously, ESPECIALLY if the subsequent outcry is anonymous. REPORT!
If adult abuse survivors choose not to cooperate with an investigation, so be it.
Most states have strong protections from any liability or legal ramifications for those who report child abuse.
Confession asked for my advice; here it is.
Kimberlee D. Norris
attorney at law