No applausiede... say it out loud. I think it means "No applause yet" in a french accent :D lol
(not telling where) into an hour and half conversation.
he knew his aposatate stuff.
it was heavy.
No applausiede... say it out loud. I think it means "No applause yet" in a french accent :D lol
for example, i often hear atheists say that while they have a "lack of belief" in any gods (negative position), they are going to make the positive step in their lives and live them like there were no gods.
which is to say that they make their own morals and choices without fear of some god.
but what if an atheist decided one day that so and so religion, that worships so and so god, makes him feel good emotionally, and gives his ever vigilant left hemisphere a break on sundays.
Tetra :)
Not following you around, really... hehe... you just bring some interesting discussions to the table ;) (BTW, I started reading up on the two authors you mentioned on the other thread, and then we lost electricity due to an ice-storm, so I've not got around to finishing up with all that). Anyhow, to the topic at hand:
I think the thing we are really approaching here is cognitive dissonance to some degree, and while cognitive dissonance is generally (for want of a better word) destructive, when fully understood it *can* be used as a tool.
I personally do a few things which go against my general belief system. One of which is praying. Now, I wouldn't call myself an atheist as such, more of a pantheist. I don't believe in a singular, personal God. I don't believe there is some ultimate deity in the sky listening to my call for help. I believe (much the same as you) that we are all little gods. We create, mold, and destroy reality. So, with this, why do I pray?
I think I pray for the very same reason that I believe people have created Gods (big "G") over the ages. We can relate to a personal God. We can view "Him" as a "Father" (overuse of quotes, maybe? hehe). And in using this dissonance, in understanding the differences between what I practice and what I actually believe, I can more readily form and solidify my intent and energies and send them into the world, because I feel at that moment that I can relate to reality itself. I personally find it quite difficult to pray to Reality directly... hehe... (the other way I have of doing this is through meditation, but all too often I find myself unable to non-verbally emit the energy and intent that I would like, (oh, and of course, "being the change that I wish to see in the world")).
So my short answer here would be: If it works for you and creates positive energy in your life and allows you to form your positive intent more readily, then go for it. :) Again, though, I feel it is important to understand that this type of dissonance is only a tool, and cannot be used as a crutch.
As you mentioned at the end of your post, it really is just emotional comfort, BUT, we are emotional beings when all is said and done, and often can't really grasp the ideas and concepts that come along with whatever belief system we hold, so sometimes we need to bring it to our emotional level.
Just a few thoughts ;)
"... shortly, within our twentieth century, the 'battle in the day of jehovah' will begin against the modern antitype of jerusalem, christendom.
" the nations shall know that i am jehovah - how?
1971, chap.
Great catch, Fatfreek (good to see ya again by the way )
Moshe, this was published in 1971. If the dubs did retort with "Well, it did start invisibly", you can simply point out to them that in 1971, they were referring to this event in the future tense, i.e. they were referring to Armageddon starting sometime between 1971 and 2000.
"... Shortly, within our twentieth century, the 'battle in the day of Jehovah' will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom." The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah - How? 1971, Chap. 12 pp. 216-217
I might have to take a look around for an original copy of this book, or get my hands on the Watchtower CD.
purging: a new year, a new life, new health and a new ..... .
confusedjw is now unconfused .
Welcome again man, :D
Another step outta the bOrg.. awesome!
i've been posting here for quite a long time, so long in fact that it just doesn't feel right that my wife isn't a part of it.
earlier today i created an account for her with the username heron, she'll know why.
i'm not sure if my wife will ever post here but i would feel much more comfortable knowing she is aware that i do.. this is the one post i am going to ask her to read.. so, i'd really appreciate it if you could say hello to my lovely wife.
Hey there :D Welcome to the board, hope you enjoy your stay ;)
the earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.
marshall hall is a retired high school teacher and president of the fair education foundation, inc. marshall is married to his beloved wife, bonnie.
his organization is committed to discovering truth and exposing deception.
This guy is the perfect example of how fundamentalism hurts progress, in ANY religion.
i read that david beckham is leaving real madrid and coming to the us to play for the la galaxy.
soccer is not that popular in the us and that is a obscene amount of money to pay a player and i am surprised that david beckham would want to finish out his career playing in the us.
i guess for $250 million anyone would.
Nobody is worth that amount of money.
A quarter of a BILLION freakin dollars? You know how much good that money could do for the less-than-fortunate in the USA? I think it's disgusting. When the hell did humanity decide that entertainment is more important than the basic needs of those in our country?
Meh, rant over.
if it was always here, how did it get here?
let's leave god out of the equation for now.. blueblades.
Tetra, we gotta talk sometime. I've been on quite the Terence McKenna kick myself recently.
A few thoughts about your post:
- The "Goswami" school of thought. Sounds very much like the "double slit" experiments... very interesting correlation there. Consciousness collapses the wave function into a particle. That would stand to reason then, that when consciousness came about, all of the wave-functions that we were and were part of collapsed and became particles. Might have to read up more on that.
- The "Big bang / big hush theory"... Sounds a lot like McKenna's novelty theory, especially the collapsing to a singularity in 2012. I'm not sure where I stand with the novelty theory right now (a lot more to study on that front... for instance, how did he get this seemingly fractal wave from the I-Ching?). My main problem with this is that it conflicts with my current beliefs about 2012 not being "the end" or the return to a singularity, but instead being the next step of evolution of mankind, which is a little more in keeping with the Mayan belief system, if I recall correctly. And hey, a pico-second is an awful long time in a singularity. ;)
- "Used to be God but forgot"... I can kinda dig it. We are all "God" (quotes for non-emphasis :D) still, in that we were all created with the Big Bang, and thus we are all entangled, therefore we are all one. Keep in mind here that quantum entanglement doesn't link two particles, it lets us see one particle in two different places. In the same way, although we see all of these "particles" (collapsed wave-functions) that make up the consensus reality as separate, they are in fact all entangled, and all one. This also somewhat agrees with the holographic theory which I quite like the thought of. Either way, our aim in "life" (as subjective as a concept as that is) is to realize this "oneness" with the original singularity again, separately AND together, and thus take our thrones once again as the "God" that we forgot we were. I just don't think we will be fully ready as a race to be [a part of] that singularity again in 2012. :)
Just my humble opinions, of course ;)
ways to maintain a healthy level of insanity .
1. at lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars.
see if they slow down.
These are awesome, in accordance with the prophecy.
*dictionary for decoding women's personal ads:
* adventurous..........................slept with everyone.
* breasts.
I laughed my ass off mate.... my boss is looking at me weird. O_O