Pork Chop:
I know what you think about Bergman - but I believe people are capable of doing research and deciding for themselves whether the info he discusses is relative to their situation in life or not.
i found these two references very interesting.....i reflected on the mentality of the witnesses in my old congregations in janesville, wisconsin....i realised they weren't a 'happy' people because they had the "truth", they were in truth happy because of being all medicated (prozac).
Pork Chop:
I know what you think about Bergman - but I believe people are capable of doing research and deciding for themselves whether the info he discusses is relative to their situation in life or not.
my son is 15 and lives with his mother in a strict jw reigime.
he told me the other day that he made arrangements to meet his friend from school to go skateboarding.
his mother found out and made him call his friend from school and cancel.. she then gave him a long lecture, complete with a young people ask video about association.
My heart goes out to you. I had done all the same - cancel kid's plans, intercept calls, stick in the video ( BTW, that video is ridiculous!)
All I can say is that my son's health and life was saved at 15 years old when we finally allowed him to be his own person, listen to himself, develop his talents and skills, and most importantly, separate from the cult we had raised him in. I would assist any young person to learn the real truth about the JW's and escape. I know it is a difficult path for you in your situation and I wish you the best.
i found these two references very interesting.....i reflected on the mentality of the witnesses in my old congregations in janesville, wisconsin....i realised they weren't a 'happy' people because they had the "truth", they were in truth happy because of being all medicated (prozac).
I also found interesting the book by exJW, Jerry Bergman - "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Problem of Mental Illness". It helped to verify to me, that my family was not the only one driven crazy - and that there are mental struggles on a massive scale throughout the org. We were invited to go to another KH where "everyone is on meds, even the elders, so they understand". Another congregation was referred to as one that people go to to "heal". ??
i found these two references very interesting.....i reflected on the mentality of the witnesses in my old congregations in janesville, wisconsin....i realised they weren't a 'happy' people because they had the "truth", they were in truth happy because of being all medicated (prozac).
Recipe for improved mental health for people of all ages - R U N from the org as they are one sick society.
Yesterday this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson jumped off a magazine page (not WA or AW!) at me:
I asked my teen son what he was getting me for Mother's Day - he said, "when is it?" and I answered, "Sunday" to which he says -"DIDN'T I ALREADY GET YOU SOMETHING FOR MOTHER'S DAY?"
I had to kindly inform him - "Oh, no... THAT was Valentine's Day and it was three months ago!" - the only reason it was so funny is because he doesn't have a CLUE WHEN ANY OF THESE DAYS ARE - OR, WHAT PEOPLE DO ON THEM - being raised JW none of them ever entered his consciousness and I wonder if that will ever change. I hope, for any future wife's sake, that he will learn more about those days that will be special to her and a family.
one thing that always struck me was the rather dour nature of the organization.
i know people laugh, and at seem to have a good time, at least occasionally.
however, one thing i just haven't seen is a real outpouring of joy, like david dancing like a crazy man or some of the other occassions in the scriptures when it seems like people were almost overcome with joy.. anyone here ever feel real joy as a witness?
Never. The PO found joy in telling people their problem was that they had no joy. Don't you know, "it's the first thing to go" was the mantra around here.
....ok...i have been trying to clean my house for the last 4 hours.......i just can't seem to stay away from this darn website....i am afraid my jwd addiction is keeping me from cleaning my house today..... can somebody please help me??????????.
NOW I understand how, through all the years that my kids didn't have friends at the KH - they could spend hours talking on db's related to their interests! All the times I would holler at them to get away from the computer for a while, stop eating meals at the keyboard, clean your room, feed the cat.............. and now, where do they see mom? I found it addicting immediately and told myself," well, maybe I can contain it better if I don't post a lot - then I won't be in actual conversations that would use up more time." Some days that works - but then I have to exercise SO much of that dang self control!
now we know what the problem is...
scroll down...
jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Yes sKally on one of my dad's last days, while driving him around town, he looked at people that were walking down the sidewalk and remarked:
"THOSE people LOOK SO HAPPY!"...............yes, dad -many "WORLDLY"" people ARE happy and have a positive outlook for their life, not dwelling on the negative and wickedness of the world all the time and the fact that it's going down. We watched a bunch of old men playing softball at the park and it was wonderful to see their zest for the game and camaraderie among themselves. JW's preach a "happiest people on earth" - and it is such a facade.
I am SO happy that some were able to retain a sense of humor and creativity after years of being pummeled-
I spoke those exact words in that same "Gamma" situation.
hello forum,.
i am amazed at this forums respose to my "never have been a jw" girlfriend, juanita.
through her persistance and the kindness of her heart she led me here.
Welcome Elmer!
This site is a gem to treasure as you will realize YOU ARE NOT ALONE!