I blame my father who sold his family into slavery.
I had no choice when I was a little child, wasn't till I
was in my late twenties that I made my choice.....
away I went...... and I didn't look back.
think of all the time and energy you wasted sitting in meetings, going door to door and refraining from making friends and having enjoyable association with non dubs.
think about how much of your finite life is lost to you because you were a witness.
think about how foolish you looked, hanging on to the false teachings and empty hopes for the future.
I blame my father who sold his family into slavery.
I had no choice when I was a little child, wasn't till I
was in my late twenties that I made my choice.....
away I went...... and I didn't look back.
it's been over 12 years and every once in a while i .
catch myself sing kingdom songs.......only religious.
songs i've ever knew.
took a few severe beatings as a child for not singing them loudly enough
When the records came out...this is the old song book.
My whole family stood in the basement and HAD to sing.
Dad was there with a belt over his shoulder and if you didn't
sing, you got to feel the belts sting.
Always wondered growing up how christ like that was.
Had them songs beaten into me.
it's been over 12 years and every once in a while i .
catch myself sing kingdom songs.......only religious.
songs i've ever knew.
It's been over 12 years and every once in a while I
catch myself sing kingdom songs.......Only religious
songs I've ever knew. Anyone else have this happen
to them?
what would your question be?
Will Jehovah love me less for posting on this board?
what would your question be?
Will animals still reproduce in paradise? Once the earth is full, than what?
It is written "death will be no more".
sometimes i look at the world and i think "man, how much longer can it go on?
" sometimes i think perhaps armageddon will come in my life-time.
the one scripture i always think of is the one in revelation where it says that jehovah "will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth.
With every ending there is a new beginning.
at my congregation's memorial, i saw two things i have never seen before.. 1. since jesus said a prayer "over the bread and wine", the elders who gave the prayers just before passing the utensils took the microphone out of the podium, walked over to the table, and said the prayer "over the bread and wine.
" never saw this before in over 30 years of attendance.. .
2. one elder, probably the most knowledgable, been a witness since he was a kid in the fifties, was wearing a lapel pin on his jacket, very small, looked like a black button.
Wow! Wonder what life would be like if Jesus had enjoyed a day on the beach instead of dying for us all
I wonder what life would be like if the sun didn't come up tomorrow?
I enjoyed the SUN SET!
at my congregation's memorial, i saw two things i have never seen before.. 1. since jesus said a prayer "over the bread and wine", the elders who gave the prayers just before passing the utensils took the microphone out of the podium, walked over to the table, and said the prayer "over the bread and wine.
" never saw this before in over 30 years of attendance.. .
2. one elder, probably the most knowledgable, been a witness since he was a kid in the fifties, was wearing a lapel pin on his jacket, very small, looked like a black button.
My memorial experience..............
Was sitting on a beach, watching the sun set..............
I always look for his topics.....been missing them
moscow ban on jehovah's witnesses highlights confusion
since running our original article on the activities ban placed on jehovah's witnesses in moscow, we have received a number of letters that clearly show confusion within the group itself.
Does this mean Jehovah is closing the door for Moscow?
I remember when Jehovah opened the door. I'm confused
Just kidding!