Thanks for this, OTWO. The weekend is upon us!!!! And I, my friends, am NOT at the DC but am at the beach instead. Thanks to all of you at JWD who keep the flame lit.
Posts by zack
For Blondie- Comments on 8/12 Study Article: Return Evil for Evil to No One
by OnTheWayOut injehovah.
fellow believers.
instead, they strive to follow the apostle paul's .
by steve2 inhere's what will happen to jehovah's witnesses as they roll right past 2014: they will become increasingly like the religious group that influenced charles russell: the christadelphians who started around 1830-1840 and who have many basic doctrines in common with the witnesses.
the christadelphians were once an outspoken, vibrant, edgy "christian" group who spread their urgent end-times message far and wide.
they grew exponetially in the latter half of the nineteenth century, but their heyday is long past.
Amen, brother.
Finally had it out.....
by zack ini told my wife i was going to sell everything: the houses, the investment properties, the cars, the boat, the business and give it all to the poor.
she accused me of being a hypocrite because jesus didn't have any of the things i do, including "a place to lay his head.
" so i lay down the challenge: i told her i would get rid of it all.... tomorrow.
PTL, WTS, CNN.... Hell i don't care. Treasures in heaven for me and my WIFE! Let her enjoy God's TRUE blessings NOW! What a great idea this is. Lurkers: run and tell the bean counters that you found a live one!
Finally had it out.....
by zack ini told my wife i was going to sell everything: the houses, the investment properties, the cars, the boat, the business and give it all to the poor.
she accused me of being a hypocrite because jesus didn't have any of the things i do, including "a place to lay his head.
" so i lay down the challenge: i told her i would get rid of it all.... tomorrow.
Remember, your favorite charity. Hell, it could even be the WTS. That would be awesome! Sell all my worldly goods and give it all to the WTS to absolutely prove once and for all that I am not a hypocrite, but a faithful follower of Jehober! My wife would be so proud, so happy, so elated!
Finally had it out.....
by zack ini told my wife i was going to sell everything: the houses, the investment properties, the cars, the boat, the business and give it all to the poor.
she accused me of being a hypocrite because jesus didn't have any of the things i do, including "a place to lay his head.
" so i lay down the challenge: i told her i would get rid of it all.... tomorrow.
2007 25 foot boat rigged for deep water fishing with latest electronics, galley, and head
Deep water slip for the boat
Marina membership for the slip
Beach condo at the marina
Full furnishings for condo
That's just at the beach.
Come on Brother Herd. Not even a part time job for Jesus?
Finally had it out.....
by zack ini told my wife i was going to sell everything: the houses, the investment properties, the cars, the boat, the business and give it all to the poor.
she accused me of being a hypocrite because jesus didn't have any of the things i do, including "a place to lay his head.
" so i lay down the challenge: i told her i would get rid of it all.... tomorrow.
I might get "SUCKER" tatooed on my backside, but i am definitely getting it removed from my forehead.
Brother Herd. Good to see you. Brother, do you think you can get a real job now in imitation of Paul who actually worked with his own hands and didn't live off the brothers? Come on, what do say. bro? Get a job for Jesus, huh?
Finally had it out.....
by zack ini told my wife i was going to sell everything: the houses, the investment properties, the cars, the boat, the business and give it all to the poor.
she accused me of being a hypocrite because jesus didn't have any of the things i do, including "a place to lay his head.
" so i lay down the challenge: i told her i would get rid of it all.... tomorrow.
No, she doesn't think it's a good idea. What, put faith in JEEHOVAH? You don't really think any witness has faith enough to sell everything and then lean on their God appointed channel of communication, do you? Not my wife. But I'm the hypocrite.
If you ain't a PIONEER, You ain't SH**!!!
by Open mind inmy loyal-dub wife had a wonderful morning knocking on empty homes earlier this week.
last night she confided in me with an observation.
she has noticed what she perceives to be a "pioneer clique" in our congregation.
Unfortunately, I was one who thought I was actually performing some sort of great public service when I pioneered. But I had a real career and success, a nice house, etc.... and never let others dictate to me my self worth. I agree that the attitude is prevalent. It's all some people have. They have nothing else except the way they give themselves to the BORG. They are most to be pitied.
Finally had it out.....
by zack ini told my wife i was going to sell everything: the houses, the investment properties, the cars, the boat, the business and give it all to the poor.
she accused me of being a hypocrite because jesus didn't have any of the things i do, including "a place to lay his head.
" so i lay down the challenge: i told her i would get rid of it all.... tomorrow.
I told my wife I was going to sell EVERYTHING: the houses, the investment properties, the cars, the boat, the business and give it all TO THE POOR. She accused me of being a hypocrite because Jesus didn't have any of the things I do, including "a place to lay his head." So I lay down the challenge: I told her i would get rid of it all.... tomorrow. Then I told her to phone her CO and Bethel friends and see if they would do the same.
I am so tired of this crap. The GB is evil. Don;t make any excuses about how they are victims. Bullshi*. You can be a victim, but once you start to victimize others you are a VICTIMIZER.
I am at the precipice, a crossroads. I frankly don't give a shit about JW's anymore.
30 Minute Public Talk-CONFIRMED
by stillajwexelder ini can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
They need to eliminate the meeting FREQUENCY, not meeting time lengths. If they met twice a week v. thrice a week, many pubs would see this as an "easing" of their burden