In response to Fresia:
Recently Dr. D. James Kennedy passed away. Before you get a picture in your mind about a holy roller, research his life a bit. What was very interesting to me about his ministry, was the evangelism he taught his congregants to perform. He did this not through a PROGRAM, but through fostering a love for Christ and His gospel. His ministry reached every country in the world, including China and the USSR.
Now, you may not beleive he had the "TRUTH." But he certainly demonstrated the charateristics in his life consistent with Christianity and was tireless in advancing the "The Great Commission." He did so with conviction, with enthusiasm, and with love. He had good news!
As a Witness, we are isolated from such men because we are taught that they are all serving, that they teach unscriptural doctrines, that they line their own pockets, that they do not evangelize like Jesus and Paul did. The reason I believed for so long was precisely becuase of that isolation.
I do not endorse anyone nor think anone possesses the "truth." But I do beleive the Watchtower falls was short, not only in its claim of preaching the good news world wide, but of preaching the good news at all. The message they take to people is far different from the one Jesus taught.