Fear of dying. Other Christian religions tell you you are going to heaven to be with Christ. The only way to get there, however, is to die. Well, no one likes death, no one likes to think of death, no one WANTS to die--- so along come the JW's and tell you that you need have NO FEAR any longer, you WILL NOT die.
You will receive the reward of eternal life without the complication of death. And you do not have to go to heaven because it is really quite boring anyway, all people do there is rule as kings and priests, and who wants to do that when you can screw your youthful, beautiful and perfect wife forever and make perfect babies and never have an a**hole boss and own your own home and have the big cats as pets and everyone you loved that's dead now will be there too and you'll eat perfect fruit and veggies and have ETERNITY to get really good at canasta or piano playing!! WOW!!!!!! I DO NOT HAVE TO DIE TO BE IN PARADISE! SIGN ME UP!!!
Fear of dying.
I didn't realize how anti-Christ the whole thought of it is 'til I wrote that. Thanks JWD!