When I was a devout JW I would literally look at "apostates" picketing the assemblies and want to spit at them because I hated them that much and felt that they were of Satan. I remember one time I saw an "apostate" walking from the assembly and a friend of mine an myself were actually talking about confronting him and telling him off. I just cannot believe how much I hated "apostates" when I was a JW. Now my best friends are apostates(ha,ha,ha). Boy the elders in my hall would turn over in their graves if they knew that their little JW poster child is a DA'd apostate now. I really have to admit I enjoy being on the outside of JW's looking in. I don't feel the pressure that I once had when I was a JW. I can now say they are wrong on this or wrong on that without feeling that a lightning bolt is going to strike me dead as I used to feel when I was a JW. When I talk to JW now I feel sorry for them because they are so blinded by the Watchtower's rules and regulations. I was talking to a JW elder the other day and he has been a JW for over 30 years but when I told him about Beth-Sarim, UN connection, Johannes Greber and many of the failed prophecies he was totally in the dark about it. I just don't understand how a JW can sit through meeting after meeting and not see some of the deceptions. In my own defense I was very young when I was a JW so I did not know or understand some of the failed predictions as I do now. The WTS did mention some of their mistakes but sugar coated alot of them. I now feel glad that apostates are exposing JW's and all of their skeletons. I think JW's have a right to know what their leaders are doing behind their backs.
JoinedPosts by booker-t
How did you feel about "apostates" when you were a devout JW?
by booker-t inwhen i was a devout jw i would literally look at "apostates" picketing the assemblies and want to spit at them because i hated them that much and felt that they were of satan.
i remember one time i saw an "apostate" walking from the assembly and a friend of mine an myself were actually talking about confronting him and telling him off.
i just cannot believe how much i hated "apostates" when i was a jw.
Do you think that JW's will print a "new" book on Revelations?
by booker-t inthe wts has printed several books on revelation since it's inception in 1879. many of the prophecies that were predicted in the studies in the scriptures book failed miserably.
next the two "light" books the same predictions were reworded failed also.
the society tried again with the 60's books then is the finished mystery of god book and the babylon the great has fallen book.
The WTS has printed several books on Revelation since it's inception in 1879. Many of the prophecies that were predicted in the Studies in the Scriptures book failed miserably. Next the two "light" books the same predictions were reworded failed also. The society tried again with the 60's books Then is the Finished Mystery of God book and the Babylon the Great has fallen book. Finally the 1988 book Revelation and its Grand Climax had so many revisions and old truths that it was a total waste of time to print. Do you think that JW's will have to print their latest take on Revelations and what will they call the new book? My guest is that they will have to print a new book and they will probably call it "The new and improved interpretation of Revelation by the faithful and discreet slave class"
Have JW's and Born-Agains been taking for a ride with Armaggeddon/Rapture?
by booker-t ini have been seriously thinking that jw's and born-again christians have both been victims of the armaggeddon/rapture merry go round.
christians have been looking for the rapture for 2000 years and still nothing has happened.
jw's have been looking for armaggeddon for over 130 years now and still nothing has happened.
I have been seriously thinking that JW's and Born-Again Christians have both been victims of the Armaggeddon/Rapture merry go round. Christians have been looking for the Rapture for 2000 years and still nothing has happened. JW's have been looking for Armaggeddon for over 130 years now and still nothing has happened. Instead of" bashing" each other constantly they should work together and see how many suicides within JW's and Born-Agains(yes BA's committ suicide also) they can prevent, they should work together to see how many people on drugs and alcohol they could possibly help, because I know a friend of mine that was heavily into the Born-Again movement recently had a nervous breakdown. With all of the trying to please Jesus, and trying to convert non-born agains, the pressure was just too overwhelming and he snapped. Many JW's have had nervous breakdowns as well. So JW's and BA's have more in common then they would like to admit. Both groups have been made to look like fools when it comes to Armaggeddon/Rapture. Come on now how long is these events going to take to come? What happens if nothing has happened in the year 3000 will JW's and BA's concede and admit that they were duped into believing a "fantasy" or will they continue singing the old tired song Armaggeddon/Rapture is just around the corner.
Do you know of any "baptized" JW's that committed suicide or attempted?
by booker-t ini remember one of my childhood friends was found dead and the police said he committed suicide.
i just could not believe it because my friend was a "devout" jw almost franatical about it.
now years later since i have seen both sides of the coin i am beginning to wonder if my friend did indeed kill himself.
I remember one of my childhood friends was found dead and the police said he committed suicide. I just could not believe it because my friend was a "devout" JW almost franatical about it. Now years later since I have seen both sides of the coin I am beginning to wonder if my friend did indeed kill himself. The family has never been the same after his death. His brother who was my field service buddy for many years left JW's and does not want anything to do with JW's. I saw him a few years ago and I did not recognize him. He is so angry with the JW's and he sounds like he is abit atheist. Do any of you out there know of any JW's that committed suicide or attempted suicide? Did the elders DF'd them or make some sort of announcement for the JW's not to attend the person's funeral? Or did the elders refuse to give a funeral for the deceased JW?
Do "Born-Again Christians" lie on JW's to put them in a bad light?
by booker-t ini was reading a book on early church fathers and early christian doctrines.
i could not put the book down.
i noticed that some of the early church fathers "denounced" war frowned upon celebrating holidays and also "birthdays" some of their arguments sounded exactly like jw's and if you did not know you would have thought you were talking to some jw's.
I was reading a book on early church fathers and early christian doctrines. I could not put the book down. I noticed that some of the early church fathers "denounced" war frowned upon celebrating holidays and also "birthdays" Some of their arguments sounded exactly like JW's and if you did not know you would have thought you were talking to some JW's. I know people are people no matter if you are a born-again, JW's etc; But alot of born-agains are always saying that JW's invented most of their doctrines and that no early church group believed as they do. But I am seeing that many things JW's believe in early church fathers taught to some degree as JW's. One born-again christian scholar that I have notice distorting the truth about JW's is Rob Bowman, the late Walter Martin, Ron Rhodes, to name a few. Rob Bowman has gone on record to denounce JW's about the way they translate John 8:58 (I have Been) instead of "I Am" Rob Bowman has been caught in several lies about the way JW's translate this passage from non-jw scholars. Many scholars feel that this passage is a past progressive action or a historical present. Action that took place in the past but continues to the present. And JW's are right in the way they translate it as I have Been. There are about 20 bible translators that translate it the same way or similar to JW's. I am not saying JW's are perfect innocent little people, but I feel that a scholar should not lie about a group they call a cult just to make them look worst. Perfect example would be that even though I feel OJ Simpson was guilty as sin I still think that America should leave him alone since he was acquitted. He will answer to God one day. So if JW's are wrong they will answer for it and Born-Agains should not lie on them or distort the truth about them to make them look worst.
Name Things That You Can Be Counseled For
by minimus ini'll start.......a woman wearing a skirt higher than her knee and a child crying during a meeting
I remember I was counseled for having a beard while giving a Wed nite talk. I felt since it was in the back school I was save. But the elders felt differently and I shaved off my beard. This was one of the things that I argued with the JW's about and finally I just got sick and tired of it all and DA'd myself. I told the elders that Jesus had a beard so what was wrong with my beard? They told me that Jesus had a beard and it was ok back then but now it is a sign of rebellion.
Can a person believe that the Bible contradicts itself and be a Christian?
by booker-t ini am having some conflicting feelings lately that i need some advice on.
i am starting to believe that the bible contradicts itself but at the same time i love jehovah and jesus and have hope for some form of eternal life.
that will never change but i have never believed in the bible 100% coming from god.
I am having some conflicting feelings lately that I need some advice on. I am starting to believe that the Bible contradicts itself but at the same time I love Jehovah and Jesus and have hope for some form of eternal life. That will never change but I have never believed in the bible 100% coming from God. I have always believed that the bible writers added their own thoughts and ideals in the bible and people just ran with it. Some things in the bible just don't add up. For example as christians whatever your denomination(catholic, born-again, jw, mormon, seven day adventist, etc;) we were taught that God is all knowing so when he created Adam and Eve he knew that they would sin. If this is so then God is responsible for all of the problems we have now past and present and Satan is not the blame. If God knowingly created potential evil then he is responsible. If I knowingly rent an apartment to a person I know sets fires to property and I rent the apartment to him with this knowlege and he burns down my apartment building and kills all of my tenants how in the world could I blame another person? This is what it seems Jehovah does passing the blame on Satan when Jehovah knew all along that Adam and Eve were going to fail and sin. And why would God be mad at Adam and Eve if he already knew the outcome? If I put my 3 year old son in a room with messy chocolate cake on my new rug and return an hour later to find chocolate cake all over the rug many people would think that I was crazy and how could I get mad at the 3 year old if I knew he would mess up my new rug? Jehovah specifically tells Adam and Eve that in the "day" that they eat the fruit they would surely die. They both lived on for many years Adam well into 900 plus years so did God change his mind? We are taught that Jesus is perfect but the bible says "all" men have fallen short of the glory of God. Did the bible writer forget about Jesus? Jesus told the woman that was about to be stoned to "sin no more" So did she become perfect at that very moment never to sin again or was Jesus exaggerating? The bible condemns "witchcraft" and all forms of sorcery and spiritism but Jehovah allowed his prophet Saul to go to the witch on Endor and she conjured up the spirit of Samuel(1 sam 28:15) was Jehovah condoning witchcraft for the moment and forgot about the old testament law? And what about David and Jonathan does this story not prove that David was a least a bisexual man and had an affair with Jonathan? I am a straight man and I would never undress in front of my best friend and kiss my best friend and tell my best friend that I love him more than a woman like David. Only a gay or bisexual man would do this so was David gay or bisexual? And if he was does Jehovah condone homosexualality when it is one of his prophets?
How many of the Jacksons are Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?
by booker-t indoes anybody know the current status of the jackson family.
is michael jackson disfellowshipped or disassociated?
what about latoya jackson?
Does anybody know the current status of the Jackson family. Is Michael Jackson Disfellowshipped or Disassociated? What about LaToya Jackson? And Janet Jackson is she Disfellowshipped? I was talking to a co-worker or mine and she told me that she heard that Katherine Jackson( Mike's Mom) was Disfellowshipped but I don't think so because I heard Janet on a radio show and she said that her mom lives at the kingdom hall.( she might be a pioneer) So I hardly believe that she is DF'd but why do she still hang out with her DF'd and DA'd kids and not get into hot water with the elders?
What "born-again Christian" doctrines do you have a hard time swallowing?
by booker-t ini am curious about this question because i always had the impression that born-again christians believe everything the church teaches no matter what.
then i remember talking to a born-again friend of mine that was having a hard time with her pastor because he told her wearing "pants" and "jewelry" was a "sin" and she would go to hell for that.
my friend said she loved the church that she started going to but she was not going to give up wearing pants or jewelry.
I am curious about this question because I always had the impression that Born-Again Christians believe everything the church teaches no matter what. Then I remember talking to a born-again friend of mine that was having a hard time with her pastor because he told her wearing "pants" and "jewelry" was a "sin" and she would go to hell for that. My friend said she loved the church that she started going to but she was not going to give up wearing pants or jewelry. This is the same dilema that I had as a JW I would not give up my Birthday parties even though the elders frowned upon it. One elder told me that I was in danger of being "publically reprooved" if I celebrated my birthday. Of course I DA'd myself and the funny thing is that now I don't celebrate my Birthday. I just did not want an elder telling me I could not celebrate it. Back to my original question What doctrines do Born-Agains have a hard time with? I know personally that I have a hard time with the "once saved always saved" doctrine that many of my Born-Again friends believe in. They feel that once you become saved you can commit all the Adultery, Fornication, cheating on your income taxes, etc; but you will still make it to heaven because you have accepted Jesus. What a joke.
Strange disfellowshippings!
by AK - Jeff ina few years back a 'sister' in our hall was df'd for marrying a disfellowshipped man.
they were both free to remarry 'scripturally' - in their late-middle years of life.
i asked one of the local pharrasies why?
I know a woman that was married and had an abortion. Her husband went to the elders and she was disfellowshipped for conduct unbecoming of a christian. I also know of some of the young brothers were disfellowshipped or disassociated for joining the military. One guy came back after serving in the army for many years and was reinstated and is now a ministerial servant.