I often encounter trinitarians that say all of the apostles believed in the bodily reserrection of Christ. They often point to isolated verses in the bible where Jesus is called a "man" after his reserrection and this they believe is proof positive. The seem to throw out all of the verses in the new testament that shows Jesus arose "in the spirit" (1 Pet 3:18). One verse I love to ask "BR"(bodily reserrectioners) to explain is Galatians 1:1 where the apostle Paul clearly shows that he is an apostle of Jesus not of men or a man but of Jesus. This would totally make no sense if Paul believed Jesus still had his fleshly body in heaven. Another scripture needing explaining is the verse in Galatians 3:26-29 where Paul says you are neither Jew, nor greek, nor male, nor female. This shows there is no gender in heaven and if Christ arose as a fleshly man than Paul lied in these verses. If Jesus arose in the same body he had before he died than all of his disciples would have recognized him especially Mary Magdeline but she thought he was the gardener.
JoinedPosts by booker-t
Did the Apostle Paul teach and believe in the "bodily reserrection of Christ" doctrine?
by booker-t ini often encounter trinitarians that say all of the apostles believed in the bodily reserrection of christ.
they often point to isolated verses in the bible where jesus is called a "man" after his reserrection and this they believe is proof positive.
the seem to throw out all of the verses in the new testament that shows jesus arose "in the spirit" (1 pet 3:18).
Do you think that "Born Agains" will eventually abandon the "Hellfire" doctrine?
by booker-t ini have talked to christians for years on this subject and they all seem more confused then ever.
some born agains have a hard time reconciling hellfire damnation with jehovah's loving personality.
the two just can't mix.
I have talked to Christians for years on this subject and they all seem more confused then ever. Some Born Agains have a hard time reconciling Hellfire damnation with Jehovah's loving personality. The two just can't mix. I have heard some Born Agains say that Jehovah will seperate unsaved people for all eternity. Some have said the unsaved will be mentally "tormented". Some have said Jehovah will punish them with fire case closed. But the dilema they have is if Jehovah is going to punish unsaved people for all eternity where does that place the Jewish children and babies that has not accepted Jesus? Born Agains are just silent on this point because it would make Jehovah a monster to torture children and babies. Posters would do you think?
I get so tired of people complaining about everything President Obama says or does
by booker-t infor the past 4 1/2 years i have heard everything said about president obama and now the lastest "obama being the anti-christ" just have me laughing my head off.
where do people get nonsense like this?
do they just sit around the kitchen table and say "what are we going to say next about obama and michelle?
Simon you must be smoking some "old" watchtowers and awake magazines when you make a looney-tunes comment like "because I am black" whining has been done to death. What about when Gay and Lesbians say "because I am gay" or when Hispanics say "because I am Mexican" or when women say "because I am a woman" or when any other group complains. It is not whining but reminding people that you will not tolerate any form of discrimination. For years people would pretend they were ok with homosexuality until gays were trying to get married. And now it is all out war on gays and lesbians. People say one thing privately but say something totally different in public. I think any minority group should always remind people that use to oppress that you will never let them forget. Hispanics have gone thru hell over immigration and they way people treat them. Those same people screaming and shouting send Mexicans back to Mexico probably have many Hispanic maids and servants working for them. Simon you need to wake up and smell the coffee people will not tolerate victimization any longer.
If one of the "Anointed" is Disfellowshipped and is Reinstated does he or she lose their "anoited" status?
by booker-t inone of my professors is a jw scholar.
he has written dozens of books and has been on the news and tv shows for years.
his name is firpo carr and he is friends with michael jackson's family.
One of my professors is a JW scholar. He has written dozens of books and has been on the news and tv shows for years. His name is Firpo Carr and he is friends with Michael Jackson's family. But he claims to be of the Annoited and was disfellowshipped a few years back. He is reinstated but I thought JWs believe they lose their Annoited status if Dfd.
I get so tired of people complaining about everything President Obama says or does
by booker-t infor the past 4 1/2 years i have heard everything said about president obama and now the lastest "obama being the anti-christ" just have me laughing my head off.
where do people get nonsense like this?
do they just sit around the kitchen table and say "what are we going to say next about obama and michelle?
For the past 4 1/2 years I have heard everything said about President Obama and now the lastest "Obama being the Anti-Christ" just have me laughing my head off. Where do people get nonsense like this? Do they just sit around the kitchen table and say "What are we going to say next about Obama and Michelle?" I personally think Obama is doing an excellant job and his race has nothing to do with it. I am glad finally we have a black president which I thought I would never see in my lifetime but I like Obama for a job well done not because he is black. I liked President Clinton and he was white. Doing a job has nothing to do with a person's race. And I cannot believe people are mad at Obama because he said Trayvon Martin could pass for his son. Come on people look at Obama and a picture of Trayvon they do resemble. Both are tall and thin and light skinned black males. My prayers go out to Trayvon's parents Sabrina and Tracey and I pray for them to have strength to get through this tragedy.
I Am Tired Of Hearing People Becoming So Racially Divisive!
by minimus intrayvon/zimmerman....it's all about race....that's what some people keep saying.
you criticize the president, and you are against blacks.
you talk about illegal aliens and you hate mexicans.
It never ceases to amaze me how some Caucasian people(not all) get mad if blacks, and Hispanics, and Asians speak up for themselves and call them "overly" sensitive but when white people speak up for themselves it is considered "assertive''. Everybody has the right to safety, security, and police protection no matter what your race or culture. Trayvon Martin was just walking home from a 7-11 store minding his own business when George Zimmerman approached him. The police had already told him not to approach Trayvon but Zimmerman disobeyed law enforcement and played "wanna be" cop and it resulted in the death of a 17 year old youth. If only Zimmerman had obeyed the police and left Trayvon alone none of this would have happened. I do believe Zimmerman should have received manslaughter and served some jail time. If Trayvon had have been a young Caucasian male Zimmerman would have never even got out of his car. Race was a factor no matter how you cut, slice, or dice it. I am glad Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are speaking up and I hope the Justice Dept files civil rights violation. I do not believe "all" white people are prejudice but I do believe a "large" percentage of white people are and the ones that are not just stand by and "keep" their mouths shut when they see bigotry and I think this is just as bad as racism. One thing I can actually say in "defense" of the KKK is that at least they do not try and pretend they like blacks and Hispanics they let you know up front they hate you. Many whites feel the same way but don't say it out loud. I believe if you are a "racist" admit to it but be prepared to suffer the consequences for your unlawful behavior. My prayers go out to Trayvon's parents Sabrina and Tracey Martin.
Do you think "Blondie" is addicted to reading Watchtowers and Awakes?
by booker-t ini remember when i was a "devout" jws i could not wait to get the new watchtowers and awakes from the wednesday nite theocratic ministry school.
i would actually salivate thinking of the new information jehovah had in the magazines for us.
i was "franatical" and i would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite.
I remember when I was a "devout" JWs I could not wait to get the new Watchtowers and Awakes from the Wednesday nite theocratic ministry school. I would actually salivate thinking of the new information Jehovah had in the magazines for us. I was "franatical" and I would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite. I just love reading the magazines I could not wait until the next one came out. But I did it because I believed JWs were the truth. I sometimes wonder why Blondie reads the magazines and post "what you will not hear in the so and so Watchtower study". I believe Blondie just cannot let the JWs go and reading the magazines keeps her still in so to speak. Blondie I applaud you for all of the information you have given us over they years some of the info I would not have known unless you did not tell me but I sometimes wonder are you hooked on the JWs and like reading their mags? It is amazing how much I have come to realize about myself through education at school. I love school and I am doing mind cleaning on myself so I hope it does not sound like I am judging you. I think you should just let it go and live your life. Instead of reading the Wt and Awake mags why not learn a new language like I have done. I am studying German and French and I love it. It keeps me involved in something I like and since I love to read these two languages keep me busy. I already speak Spanish and do Sign Language The Kingdom Hall I went to had a Spanish class and Sign Language class and since I was so "devout" I jumped in and learned the two language quick. So Blondie please live your life and do not let the WT have so much power over you.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Born Again Christians are "twins".
by booker-t ini have said for many years that i believe jws and bacs are twins and act the same way but many apostates and ex-jws and bacs have criticized me for saying this and insist born agains are not the same as jws.
since i am this close to receiving my masters in psychology i see all the symptoms and signs of controlling religions.
here is a list of "twiness" from both groups.
Cofty I am so glad you agree with me. You will not believe some of the remarks I have received from ex-jws and bacs when I say this. I am speaking from experience. I once went to a pentacostal church after I left the WT and the members were all running up and down the stage banging their heads on the floor. I could not believe what I was seeing. I tried to get up and leave but two church members stood at the door and would not let people leave. I told one guy at the door "If you do not let me get out of here I will call the police and have you arrested for kidnapping" he threw the door open. I never stepped foot in another church after that. Before that I was going to a Church of Christ for awhile after I left the WT and the pastor wanted to know how much money I made for the year and wanted each member to bring our tax statements to determine how much 10% for tithing from my paycheck. So I know all about born again churches and as I said earlier they are all crazy and neurotic just like JWs.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Born Again Christians are "twins".
by booker-t ini have said for many years that i believe jws and bacs are twins and act the same way but many apostates and ex-jws and bacs have criticized me for saying this and insist born agains are not the same as jws.
since i am this close to receiving my masters in psychology i see all the symptoms and signs of controlling religions.
here is a list of "twiness" from both groups.
I have said for many years that I believe JWs and BACs are twins and act the same way but many apostates and ex-jws and bacs have criticized me for saying this and insist born agains are not the same as JWs. Since I am this close to receiving my Masters in Psychology I see all the symptoms and signs of controlling religions. Here is a list of "twiness" from both groups. Both JWs and BACs believe they have the monopoly on the truth. Both JWs and BACs are concerned with money. You cannot go into any church without the collection plate being passed around. Both groups believe if you do not believe in their interpretation you are condemn to destruction or hell. Both JWs and BACs use one of their doctrines to weed out who in their group is dedicated the JWs use 1914 as a weed out unbelievers and BACs use the "trinity" doctrine. 99% of all BACs I have dealt with for over 20 years insist if you do not believe Jesus is Jehovah then you are going to hell. Both JWs and BACs both have given false prophecies. BACs really want to believe they have not given false dates but if you check church history they have been given false dates for the rapture and Jesus 2nd coming for 2000 years but they have the nerve to call JWs and Mormons false prophets. These are just a few twin traits but I can go on and on with the way both groups are twins. It hurts me when I hear apostates and ex-jws condemn the "evil" WT and think BACs are the land of milk and honey. BACs are just as neurotic and crazy as JWs. Both groups use to intimidate me before I got educated. Now I laugh at them when they start that foaming at the mouth and "you are going to hell" nonsense. You cannot give people power over you.
How long do you believe Born Agains and JWs will wait for Rapture/Armaggeddon?
by booker-t ini feel so sorry for devout bacs (born again christians) and devout jws because they are spending their whole lives waiting for something that may or may not come.
i sometimes want to cry when i speak with my 80 yr old jw mom and hear her say armaggeddon is around the corner.
or hear my born again aunt say "the rapture is near and jesus will take her to heaven soon" i just want to shake both of them.
I feel so sorry for devout BACs (born again christians) and devout JWs because they are spending their whole lives waiting for something that may or may not come. I sometimes want to cry when I speak with my 80 yr old JW mom and hear her say Armaggeddon is around the corner. Or hear my Born Again Aunt say "the rapture is near and Jesus will take her to heaven soon" I just want to shake both of them. I love them both to death but it is hard for me to see people so "indoctrinated" It has been 2000 years and Jesus still has not returned. Armaggedddon and Great trib has not made its appearance yet. How long do you posters believe BACs and JWs will wait before they say enough is enough? Remember now watchtower bashers I am asking about both BACs and JWs so if you bash JWs please feel free to bash Born Agains.