It really turns my stomach. Why? Because I've watched the effects of it. It has been hot here since I was a kid, and I'm thankful that I went to traditional schools and got the education I could, as I was discouraged from going any further. I've seen this in my own family and one member didn't graduate or even get their GED and it obviously impacted their employment thereafter. The other member that I watched do it graduated from the accredited online program, but dear God, a monkey could do the work they were assigned. It was perfect for JW's though, as all they had to do was regurgitate information in open book tests on the simplest of subjects. My wife actually was home schooled, which primarily consisted of her codependent needy mom using her for company the whole time and discouraging her from doing her school work. My wife never graduated, so I pushed her to get her GED when we got married.
I do realize that there are kids that can come out of a home schooling process with a wonderful education. However, that would more likely happen when their parents are educated themselves. Otherwise it is the blind leading the blind. Go over to JW Talk and read their forum on home schooling. Holy crap, those people are dumber than rocks and they're looking for any excuse not to teach their children anything not from a Watchtower magazine or to use the ministry hours to substitute for more traditional schooling. The parents over their can barely string together a coherent sentence and couldn't spell their way into a remedial English class, but they're all educators now, teaching the next generation.........errrr............overlapping generation???? With an organization that can't even figure out the meaning of simple words and/or concepts, what hope do the kids have?
Parents, if you want to limit your own lives, go right ahead. Knock yourselves out. DO NOT jeopardize the futures of your kids and limit them simply because you need a buddy or want them to follow a predetermined course destined by the organization that you blindly serve.