god i feel old, i remember when they started on full house. They were much cuter then, can't stand them now.
I agree Angelina Joile is much sexier
the dream of many men has come true... over the weekend they turned 18!
god i feel old, i remember when they started on full house. They were much cuter then, can't stand them now.
I agree Angelina Joile is much sexier
would love to here from any aussies out there, for all aothers thats australians.
have nothing against anyone else would just love to here from anyone closer to home.. real reason is that i've recently been disfellowshipped and am feel ing a little lonely.
would love to make friends and chat with some one close to home who understands what i'm going through.
Would love to here from any aussies out there, for all aothers thats Australians. have nothing against anyone else would just love to here from anyone closer to home.
Real reason is that i've recently been disfellowshipped and am feel ing a little lonely. Would love to make friends and chat with some one close to home who understands what i'm going through.
my partner ('beaker' on jwd) & i are having rapidly escalating child custody issues.
(see previous thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/71815/1.ashx) tonight when the kids (7 & 9 yrs) were dropped back to their mother's she announced that his access was going to be further reduced as of now.. she is very nasty anyway, constantly regeging on previous arrangements & given the borg stuff is also thrown in the mix my partner is going to try for full custody.
the solicitor (who has worked on previous jw cases) we have consulted with does not think we can bring the jw stuff up with a judge.
I know custody issues can be horrible. In australia the laws are fairly good. I'm an ex JW living in Victoria. I have my kids and my husband (whom i'm separated from and is still a JW) has them every other weekend. He keeps thretening to try and get custody of the kids, as i'm no longer am in the church and has an affair, but thats another story.
Ring legal aid and get some advice. My advice to you if to keep the kids out of it and try to keep things as calm as possible. Also keep a diary of what happens, dates you have the kids, what happens, what they say, mood and attitude of ex- wife. In court a personal diary is a great tool.
Remember that the best interests of the kids is what matters. The courts look more favourably toward parents who do this, and if the ex-wife is fanatical then that will come out as well.
I hope this helps, sorry is some of it does not make sense, it's late and I'm very tired.
another email from a very confused jw: .
date: mon, 05 apr 2004 18:55:00 +0200 .
from: "gideon blankenaar" .
why don't you find others in the congregation, of just others who have the same problem, there will be a lot, you have to just ask. I found the best was was to be honest. Not that any of the young kids that i studied with ever came into the truth, but they are all happy and are in great fulfilling honest relationships.
i need to find wt articles wher it states that even if you know something to be true, unless there is two witnesses etc.
you can't say anything, or risk being df'd.
i remember it, but can't find anything of the quotes website.
I'm sorry forgive me if i sound bitter but it depends who you are as to what sticks. My brother in law was accused of being drunk (a JW), only one person saw him, and although his wife and friends testified that he was miles away, the elders believed the one person and was stripped of his privelidges. Yet an elders son( a MS) was photographed and put on the front of the local paper being at a new years eve party and that was ignored.
where is the justice in that.
well, how was your week?
the ngo issue seems to be playing well (or should we say unwell) for the borg right now, and we've been able to meet more new posters on jwd.
no longer lurkers, they're beginning to see the truth about "the troof".
9. The WTS doesn't like "public opinion".
No public opinion might be contagious and they might loose control.
my 13-year old son is with his jw mom this weekend but he just popped by to grab his baseball mit and to tell me (lol) that since his mom is making him go to the memorial tonight, he's going to eat the bread.
he's a great kid but he has no sense of fear.
i didn't know if i should laugh or tell him not to.
I secretly hope he does, as a witness kid i never had the guts, thought about it heaps but never did it.
Anybody else had the same thoughts as a kid.
please forgive my ignorance on this matter, but i have been informed that the society have now changed their polices on accusations of child abuse and now will go to the police if there are any allegations made.
even without the 2-witness thing.
if this is true it takes nothing away from their past guilt but i was wondering if it is actually the case that the rules have changed or was i being fobbed off?
Policies have changed, they don't tell you not to got to the police, but don't expect their support if you do. My 3yr old was abused by a junior member of the congregation. They were suportive untill we went to the police then they washed out hands of us. They even went with the abuser to the station to support him. I started telling my friends in the congregation with small children, just to warn them, and was told that if i did not stop i would be in trouble for slander. Was told if i could not handle it to move congregations. I did and have not been to a meeting since. The mother of the junior member continues to slander me and nothing is done about that. Wheres the love in that, from a group of people who are supposed to be identified by the love they show each other.
i'm a non jw currently seeing a jw.
i am not totaly clear about the rules about jw's in dating.
could someone explain this to me and does it vary from family to family at all?
I would like to know what was "sunny" about what i said. I was just merely stating what it is like for a JW. I was stating that if they did try and stay together it would be really hard. I don't believe in telling people what to do, just telling them the facts. Unless you have been a JW you don't know all of them, the facts that is. I know it's very frustrating if you're not a JW and try to understand, my boyfriend and I had many fights about it.
I did what was expected of me and am miserable. I should have left with the boyfriend. If i could go back and change it I would in a flash.
Sorry men do care about what JW believe, my boyfriend spent many hours reading and talking to my JW friends trying to understand, he's still trying.
Sorry if this offends, is not what i mean to do. I don't believe in beating around the bush, It's just me. And I'm not defending the JW church, just letting everyone know what It's like for us. Am currently leaving the JW church. It's taken me 13 years but I'm slowly gettin there.
i'm a non jw currently seeing a jw.
i am not totaly clear about the rules about jw's in dating.
could someone explain this to me and does it vary from family to family at all?
There are strict "recomendations" about dating non JW. I am a JW who dated a non JW as a teenager. My family in the end forced me to stop seeing him, it was him or them and at 17 I was not ready to say good bye to my family. I married the next man my family "approved" of and have been unhappily married for 10 years. I have recently caught up with this boyfriend love him now more than ever and should have stayed with him. I'm telling you this to warn you. Sort out exactly what the person you are dating wants, do they want a commited relationship or are they just rebelling. If you do want to stay together be ready for a huge battle, they will have to basically choose between you or their family. Their family may be farily understanding but they will never aprove of you. Just be really careful and be totally honest with each other. Be prepared for a lot of frustration as you try to deal with something you will never really understand. Good Luck.