What your pet's do when you're away!!!!!
Posts by Lehaa
Happy Pills
by joannadandy inthere have been several posts here on depression, and i know many posters here have had to deal with depression.
heck we even have a section for depression related topics.
so i wanted to come here for a little advice, opinion on drugs for depression.
Hi Jo,
Sorry about how you are feeling.I've suffered from depression on and off since I was 15.
I don't refer anything I've taken as happy pills, as they don't make you happy, just make the really bad feelings easier to cope with.
Have taken a few different things, bach flower remidies, Vitamin B, St. Johns wart, alchohol, pain relievers. Was on cipramil for a while and am now on Lexapro.
My depression got gradually worse over the years and I have now been diagnosed as having bipolar disorder.
I strongly recomend that you go and see your doctor and talk to them about what your going through. I also recomend that you go and see a psychiatrist as well. I see one every 6 weeks or so just to keep and eye on things.
I have resigned myself that i will be on anti-depressants for the rest of my life. I'm not addicted, i have an illness and need to take medication to cope with my illness.
I hope this hellped a little and hope you fing the answers you need and begin to feel better soon.
P.S. If you want to PM me about anything pleese go ahead.
Go Get Em COSBY!!!
by Flash incosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
Go cosby. Always liked him, think he's even better now. Good on him for standing up and saying what he believes.
I think what he said goes for a lot of people, black and white.
Name a Book that is Better than the Bible
by Sirius Dogma in.
and more important to you than the bible.. ok, for some of us most books are better than the bible, for others the choice is more difficult.. a book that i feel has more value and wisdom than the bible is:.
the hitchhiker guide to the galaxy by douglas adams (all 5 book in the trilogy actually).
My son's school report. Even with all he's been through in the last 6 months he still got a great report.
He' only 6, he's so mature for his age.
I'm a very proud mummy.
How Would You / Did You Handle Disfellowshipping?
by minimus in....as in if you personally were df'd or someone close to you was??
Thanks to all who have posted offering support to all us newly disfellowshipped people. Especially Fleur. I am going to my first EX-JW meeting in a couple of weeks. Was doubtfull about going but reading all your posts made up my mind, it's something I definately need to do.
Thank you all.
I want a hole! Holes are cool!
by FMZ inlol, it's childish, pathetic, lame, laughable... but... i want one!.
Ok yes it is imature etc but i can see the attraction. Bit like a shed. Have a brother in law that will think its great.
FMZ hows your plane going.
How Would You / Did You Handle Disfellowshipping?
by minimus in....as in if you personally were df'd or someone close to you was??
What elders BLOT OUT OF THEIR MINDS is---that they are hurting people. They're playing with their minds, making them feel GUILTY over any little transgression or inner feeling, even!!
Exactly what they did to me. It seemed the more repentant i showed myself to be the more determined they were to disfellowship me.
I apologize to all of those that have suffered because of the JW judicial experience!
You don't need to apologize to us for the sins of others. I'm just glad that we have ex-elders now with us helping us to understand and recover. Thanks.
by PriestessLizzie ini've been reading this forum for a while now and finally decided to join.
i left the "truth" about 7 years ago for reasons i am not ready to go into at this time- mainly because i dont have the time to explain them at the moment.
though i do not believe entirely what the witnesses teach, i am surprised to see such anger and hatred towards them.
Dear Priestess.
Forgot to say before welcome to the board.
It's nice to hear from someone who do does not bag the witnesses. I do believe in god but can no longer trust the organisation. Have been treated badly by, not just a few but, a lot of people.
I really thing that the organisation needs a complete overhaul.
I am New here and Have a question of utmost importance ! Please Help
by globug ini have a grandaughter that has told me that she loves satan and that he rules.
she draws awful pictures of dark clowns and writes die and kill on the side of it,.
i am afraid for her welbeing.
I know teenyears can be soo hard. There is sooo much negative spiritualistic stuff around at he moment that has such a negative influence on kids.
My step brother is 16 and is going through a very similar stage, my mum is really scared for him.
I'd just keep a really close eye on her, she may just be diong it to see what kin of reaction she gets.
I'd try talking with her and finding out why she feels this way. There may be something else going on.
Hope this helps a little and Lady Lee can help, she's great.
Another great picture posting Thread.
by Stefanie inhere is mine and my hubby's.
i might take it down latter so my crazy ex dont find it.
feel free to post pics of you, your kids, your pets plants anything will be grrreat!
Photos of My son and our dog, Me and my daughter.