
by PriestessLizzie 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • PriestessLizzie

    I've been reading this forum for a while now and finally decided to join. I left the "truth" about 7 years ago for reasons I am not ready to go into at this time- mainly because I dont have the time to explain them at the moment. Though I do not believe entirely what the Witnesses teach, I am surprised to see such anger and hatred towards them. Though I am sure you each have your own reasons, I had to state that it is not true for everyone. I am no longer of that faith, in fact quite the opposite. I am pagan now-I always was really. ~ I had a very difficult time believing Jehovah (Who I still call God) was alone in the heavens. Afterall, everything was made in God's image, so we were taught. How could there be male and female in everything but the deities themselves?~

    Back to the subject...

    I have no ill will towards anyone of the Witness faith. Most mean well, and those that I have had the honor of knowing were genuinely loving towards me, my family, and my friends. I was never pushed into anything I didn't want to do. I do not believe they are a cult, but instead just another religion doing the best they can to survive with the tools they are given--in their case a man made and male dominated bible. I've seen threads that condemn them based on the errors of a few- HUMAN errors that EVERY organized religion is plagued with. I was never brainwashed as a child, instead I was encouraged to make my own choices based on love and consciousness. Armageddon was never frightening to me (until my disfellowshipped father died and I was told he wouldn't be ressurrected-which was later retracted publicly in the Watchtower itself) and to this day is not scary-as I was also taught that even those who were not a Witness could be in the new system. It is far better than being raised with the fear of "hell" if you ask me. I was born and raised in this religion. My family has not condemned me, in fact we have grown closer since I disassociated myself. Elders and Pioneers (including two which claim to be one of the 144,000) still speak to me when they see me, embrace me, and acknowledge their heartfelt love.

    Now, I'm not trying to make enemies here, nor am I trying to change your beliefs...that would be insanity and quite hypocritical since my own faith is vastly different than the one I was raised to believe. Yet, I cant help but voice an opinion, since I have not seen any genuine efforts otherwise, to openly acknowledge the benefits of association with people-all people no matter which religion- who have hearts with good intentions. I hate to see everyone of a specific faith ridiculed and despised simply because a few have not set good examples. Can anyone truly say that they were not somehow benefited by the teachings? No one was ever "forced" to remain a member of the faith (unlike cults), in my 20+ years of experience with them. I was allowed to associate with whomever I chose, though was "warned" about "bad assocations". My childhood was endearing, despite the lack of holidays and birthdays. I watched TV, listened to music, participated in afterschool events (mainly drama and choir by choice)- I even ate meat (*gasps*) and was given small portions of wine or daquiries before I was legally of age. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, in my experience, the harsh or strict "rules" were not actually enforced by the faith itself but by the individual leaders of the family (aka: parents). True, if one broke laws set forth by the faith based on biblical assumptions (ie: adultary, fornication, drug use etc etc), they were disciplined (disfellowshipped)-but not completely shunned by one and all. And though this discipline may seem outrageous to some, to others it is necessary. I know I wouldn't want my husband (if I had one) cheating on me without consequences from the God I worshipped. For those that choose to follow an organized religion, I tip my hat to those that try their best to follow the ways of Christ and the bible-which in my experience (yes i keep saying that because most of you obviously had a very different one) the majority of Witnesses try to do.

    So now I ask, and may regret....since I'm new to the forum and am a very curious soul...What causes the majority of you to have such hatred towards them?

  • Lehaa

    Welcome to the board.

    I know there is a lot of hatred here and some have good reason to be angry.

    The board i meant for people to freely express their experiences, beliefs and ideas.

    it sounds like your childhood in the organisation was a happy one and I'm glad for you.

    Not everyone was that lucky.

    My father was very strict as to whom i was to associate with and anything "worldly" outside school hours was not permitted. He was very loving but strict.

    True, if one broke laws set forth by the faith based on biblical assumptions (ie: adultary, fornication, drug use etc etc), they were disciplined (disfellowshipped)-but not completely shunned by one and all. And though this discipline may seem outrageous to some, to others it is necessary. I know I wouldn't want my husband (if I had one) cheating on me without consequences from the God I worshipped.

    I was recently disfellowshipped and have been shunned by all but four of my family members and all but one of my witness friends.

    Also I totaly believe that consequences for actions are necessary. I was trully repentant for what i did, the end of a long hard slog and i finally just broke ( a lot of bad things happening to me from within the organisation), and was still disfellowshipped.

    I welcome you again, and hope you have a great time here, just remember everyones experiences are very different.


  • Carmel

    Lizzie, you may be seeing what you want to see. I've been on the board now for about four years and find the complete gamet of people from those that display the hate to those that are pretty ambivlant to those that reflect what you just iterated. Not unlike the Mob, you cannot walk away from the JW publishing company without damage. You may have, but I would guess you are by far the miniscule exception. So in all, I think you are being a tad disengenous when you are supprised at the ones that verbalize their hate for an organization that is supposedly following the footsteps of Jesus can be and is so destructive. Those are facts. Stick around and see the diversity of experiances and feelings. They are all in different stages of recovery from being mistreated by a bad parent.


  • PriestessLizzie

    I'm not saying they are without flaws. I had bad experiences too, but nothing that would cause me personally to dislike the entire organization and everyone it because a few were wrong in their decisions. I also have no intention of saying everyone who hates has no reason or justifaction to it. I was simply stating my experience-and as time goes by i'm sure i will post others both good and bad- and curious as to others'. I hope no one will take my posts in the wrong way or think that I am degrading them or belittling their own situations.

    I think you are being a tad disengenous when you are supprised at the ones that verbalize their hate for an organization that is supposedly following the footsteps of Jesus can be and is so destructive.

    I am surprised - not because I disbelieve those that have voiced an opinion, but because it was nothing like my own experiences or how I dealt with it. I'm not saying I am right or you (generalized) are wrong.

    Stick around and see the diversity of experiances and feelings. They are all in different stages of recovery from being mistreated by a bad parent.

    I plan to stick around, and thank you both-and any future responses-with the warm welcome. My point-mistreated by a bad parent. I'm very sorry for those who had their own family turn against them instead of offering support in their time of need. That is NOT what I was taught or shown when I was raised in the "truth" nor when I left it. It saddens me to know that it happens to people. I can't help but think though, that Witnesses are not the only religion where parents and family make the wrong decision based on what they believe is right. I'm grateful that mine (with the exception of my sister who tries but has issues of her own) did not shun me. Of course, my opinion over the last few years has been one of As long as I love the best I can, believe in God (and in my case Goddess) and strive to be a better person- I will be blessed. I have issues all together with any organized religion-but I know that others are much happier being involved in one...They may believe it is the only way to be close to God.

    Anyway, thanks for listening and I look forward to reading more and getting to know you all.

  • Lehaa

    Dear Priestess.

    Forgot to say before welcome to the board.

    It's nice to hear from someone who do does not bag the witnesses. I do believe in god but can no longer trust the organisation. Have been treated badly by, not just a few but, a lot of people.

    I really thing that the organisation needs a complete overhaul.



  • TheSilence

    Hello, Lizzie,

    I would just like to add... I don't really think you will find many, if any, people here who dislike everyone in the organization. The contempt is generally for the organization itself.

    Welcome to the board ;)


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Lol just from my experience on this board try not to be pro-witness that much...

    And welcome!!! Glad to see another open minded person come to the board. I see so many here these days but people have their scars.

  • avishai

    First off, priestess, welcome and blessed be!!!

    Read more stories on here, and youl understand the anger. But i'll get to that in a minute.

    first, there is good in any philosophy or movement, the JW's gave me a good background in public speaking. I am an actor as well as a wedding minister/priest/mage. And an actor, as well as doing voice overs for radio

    Now, your logic is flawed however, as you could find these things in any movement, as far as good and bad, there is a balance. It is whether the good outweighs the bad or vice versa. The Nazi party trained many good public speakers as well, fed and clothed many people in a destroyed country, and helped them raie up. But was it good?Here are the signs you are in a cult, compare them to the dubs.

    Also, look at, find all the people that have been molested, and had it covered up by the WTS. Here is one story, it's my brothers.

    It is a destructive cult. No two ways about it. They suck. Read more

    And welcome, sister, mother, child, woman, crone. (((((priestess)))))

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    My family has not condemned me, in fact we have grown closer since I disassociated myself. Elders and Pioneers (including two which claim to be one of the 144,000) still speak to me when they see me, embrace me, and acknowledge their heartfelt love.

    I'm amazed to be honest. From my knowledge and experience a disassociated one is said to have taken an active stand against God and used to be viewed worse than scum where I live.

    You have a really kind and open-minded family.

    What made you choose to be Pagan, like the actor & magi up there?

  • avishai
    My family has not condemned me, in fact we have grown closer since I disassociated myself. Elders and Pioneers (including two which claim to be one of the 144,000) still speak to me when they see me, embrace me, and acknowledge their heartfelt love.

    Frankly, I have kind of a hard time buying your story with this, as well as your bit about eating meat

    I even ate meat (*gasps*) and was given small portions of wine or daquiries before I was legally of age

    Adventists are vegetarians, usually. Not JW's. Daquiri's, big deal. So? My dad let me try beer when I was 4. BFD.

    Why would they go against their religion? Frankly, there's something wrong w/ them, according to their religion. Not you. So, what's w/ the meat comment? It makes no sense.

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