I know plenty of family that prefer the blue pill.
For me i'm glad I chose the red pill.
cypher: i know what you're thinking, 'cause i'm thinking the exact same thing.
actually, i've been thinking it since i got here: why didn't i take the blue pill?
- the matrix.
I know plenty of family that prefer the blue pill.
For me i'm glad I chose the red pill.
vitta's thread above got me wondering.
how many here still believed the "witnesses" to have the truth until they came to sites like this?
how many actually came here to defend the jw's and ended up leaving?
I was already heading for the door.
Coming to this site just helped me run right through it, never to return.
hi, i've spent the moring looking through my pics and pics of friends on the web.. thought i'd share some pics of my greatest love.... my kids.. please share some pics of the things you love the most.. .
Nancy your boy is gorgeous,
I love the way you spell his name too.
my cat has recently taken to lounging in the litter box!!!!!
it is the nastiest behavior i've ever seen from a cat!!!!.
to make it worse, he is white and has very long hair!!!!.
My cat did the same for a while.
I just didn't change the litter as regularly as I used to, he got out of the behaviour real fast. Phew who want to sleep in stinky litter.
Have you changed the type of litter you use, or moved the litter tray, poor thing might be a bit confused.
If the behaviour persists though, I agree with the others it may pay to take him/her to the vet. Maybe ring the vet frist and talk to them, mine's always happy to give advice over the phone.
i remember when i joined the jw's about 18 years ago, i was single just like today, and i never really wanted to marry a jw.
i would have liked to get married, but not with a jw.
i believed in their religion, but that was the spiritual side of me.
Being raised a dub i knew eventually i'd marry a dub.
But I had prerequisites. He was not to be a pioneer, ms, elder, no way.
I'd been raised as an elders daughter and there was no way I wanted the same fate for my kids.
Now, now way known. No dubs allowed in my life.
i think there was a thread on this at some point but search is not working, wouldn't know the keywords anyway.. but like i just thought of escape from brooklyn bethel - instead of escape from new york.. it would be cool if someone can write little blurbs for these too.
anyone have/remember others?
very funny.
I'm the same chrissie, can't think of a thing!!!!!
god you can understand a 9 year old doin that but 32. God grow up woman.
What a waste of time and money.
ever forgot you were in a kingdom hall and just blurted out a curse word?
an old buddy of mine was telling me some story about water skiing and i just said "that's so f**king rad".
the elders wife standing a few feet away from me looked completely mortified!
I used to catch myself doin it all the time.
I'm amazed I didn't get df'ed earlier. LOL
i hope this has not been a topic lately.... it was christmas day...and i had went to visit some non-jw relatives i was 15 yrs old...and a group of other kids from the neighborhood had all got together on the block, it was snowing and the snow was so fluffy and pretty, so we all started walking down the street singing x-mas songs (we had sipped some spiked egg nog) everyone exchanged little gifts.
we went to different houses visiting and eating.
toward the end of the night we went to my sister's friend house and danced till around 2:00 in the morning..." for the first time in my life i felt free and happy.
The birth of my daughter.
My son's birth was horrid, and all the time I was pregnant with my daughter I was ill.
My daughters birth was text book. It was a great experience, although painfull. My mum was there too help, and she and my sister had been staying with me. After she was born my sister arrived with my son, we all sat on the bed and chatted. It was great.
A few hour later I was home, complete family all together.
I was so proud of acieving what I'd set out to do, have a complicated free delivery, and be home the same day.
Was the best day of my life.
i have recently met someone that has been out of jw for quite some time.
i really care for this person and i would like to know more about jw so i can understand what she went thru to remove herself, what feelings you think she may have from her involvement in jw and what she may go thru in the future that we are planing together.
please help, any info is appreciated!!.
Well VH,
I'm soo gald for you and your friend.
Just be there for her. It's going to be hard for her, even thought she did choose to leave.
You'll never be able to understand fully but a listening ear always helps, We're here for you both.