Awesome. I am glad they printed it.
Awesome. I am glad they printed it.
...and, do you also think that they have the same bad feelings towards you that you may have towards some of them?.
I am going to say no. And that is based on the reactions individuals have when they see me. They express joy and surprise. However, there is at least one elder that has shunned me in public. I guess he THINKS he knows everything.
All that being said, sometimes it is hard to separate what we think from reality. When I was DF'd in my teens I thought everyone hated me. When I was reinstated, I thought everyone remembered about my downfall. In actuality, no one even remembered. So I like that bumper sticker "Don't Believe Everything You Think".
has someone started a christmas card exchange list yet for this year?
we did this in the past and it was such fun to get all the great cards.. .
I would like to participate this year as well. I have a list from 2005, but I don't know how accurate it is anymore. Is there anyone willing to gather addresses privately and then send it out to all who requested it? I would do it, but I don't spend a lot of time here anymore since I can't log on at work.
it was great fun.
i rigged up a fog machine on the porch and spent the evening scaring small children.
you can't get a better night imo.
Ooooh a fog machine. How cool. We never even though of that! Thanks for the tip for next year.
My husband was dressed in green (with a green wig and green paint all over him). He had fun scaring the kiddies too -- although they weren't sure exactly what he was. He called himself "Hairy Green". I didn't get it, but oh well.
and i'm so glad to be home!
i had a very nice time, mom and dad were civil and gracious hosts because of the bluffers (other family members like two great aunts and my sister none of whom are jws .
Glad to hear it went well. Was it in the Bay Area? If so, you got some very nice weather for your reunion.
post your pics to this thread.. here's mine from a couple weekends ago.... i used the candlelight setting on my dig.
camera and it came out ok.... .
Wow -- very cool Billzfan! I have no talent when it comes to pumpkin carving - I leave it to the pro -- my husband.
I am impressed!
anyone else here hate giving talks and refuse to do it?
the last two years i was in the borg, i was not in the school.
everytime the elder in charge of it approached me to "encourage" me to join again, i would have a melt down, cry and pretend i was so depressed and overwelmed that i just could not do that one thing for "jehovah", and i would act like i may commit suicide if he stresses me out over joining the school again.. i got out of it with 3 elders, in two different congregations.
When I was a kid I loved giving talks. My dad would write the whole thing out for me and then I just had to read it. He stopped doing that when I was about 20. LOL
I have to say that giving talks was good practice for public speaking. I took a public speaking course at the community college and easily received an A. And now, I do not have much problem getting up in front of a group of people at work to speak. For me, that was one bonus of the TMS.
anyone care to guess why?.
(a) she was concerned about the fires and if bd and i were ok.. (b) she called to tell me she was planning to attend the 2009 international convention in peru.. (c) she called to tell me my cousin's husband has brain cancer.. (d) (a) and (b).
pick a answer any answer, only one is the correct answer.. philip.
Philip -- Are you and BD okay?
I am going to choose f (both b & c).
fresh cut hay in may?.
spring rainshowers?.
a creek with active marine life?.
Pine trees, dirt and fresh air. Reminds me of our annual camping trip.
i just got a call from my jw mom asking if i was watching the news.. i'm like, "no, what's up?".
i'm imagining something must really be up, like we invaded some more countries or mushroom clouds over american cities, or maybe somebody famous did something horrible in public, or something.. she tells me 'half of california is burning.'.
i'm like "yeah, it's been doing that for a while now.".
I truly think a lot of JWs buy in to what the media feeds them. Half of California is NOT burning. Yes, a good portion is burning and that is something that happens annually during this time of the year. This year it is worse than others, but it doesn't mean it is the end of mankind. I feel bad for the people in that situation, but life goes on for the rest of the world while this is happening -- although you wouldn't know that if you watched the news. JWs look for any little inkling that things are out of the norm. I am sure that global warming is a sign of the end as well.