There are a couple of reasonably priced red wines you can buy at Costco right now.
We love Edmeades Zinfandel 2006 - I believe the price is 12.99.
Also at Costco, a red table wine we tried at a party and really liked. Called Menage a Trois (California Red Wine) and the price is $6.99. Since it is so inexpensive, we use it as our every day dinner wine.
We have a favorite cab from a boutique winery not to far from where we live. It is called Albertina and it is a Cabernet Sauvignon. Quite tasty and runs about $25, but you can probably only order it from the website.
Have to say that I am partial to Zinfandels. I love the big, juicy flavor that is generally associated with zins.
Good luck on your wine search.