I've known 5, 2 are elders
JoinedPosts by ARoarer
POLL - Elders vs Molesters
by Amazing ini wish to conduct a legitimate poll, or at least as legitimate as it can get on this forum.
unless you are or were a jw, please do not respond or make comments.
please simply give an answer, without extended comments.
by ARoarer ini have been reading from other bibles and comparing them to the wt.
translation in the nwt and found it interesting that the information that they use in the reasoning book regarding apostates is taken from jude and the experience of korah with moses.
it seems they use this scripture to identify elders as the "glorious ones", and anyone speaking against the society is compared to korah speaking against moses.
Maximus, a picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks
by ARoarer ini have been reading from other bibles and comparing them to the wt.
translation in the nwt and found it interesting that the information that they use in the reasoning book regarding apostates is taken from jude and the experience of korah with moses.
it seems they use this scripture to identify elders as the "glorious ones", and anyone speaking against the society is compared to korah speaking against moses.
Thanks Mac, I knew I had seen that article. I agree with outnfree, I too felt annoyed when people at the door used to say "that's in YOUR Bible." It makes me angry to think I believed so much that We had the true meaning and everyone else did not. But at the same time, I feel more assured in my own decision to reject the WT teachings that the elders are directed by God, and that the GB represents God on earth. If i remember correctly, when I came into the Org. they used to criticize heavily how the League of Nations basphemed the Creator because they were hailed as an expression of God's Kingdom, on earth. Yet, the WT has made the same claim of representing God's Kingdom. I guess that makes Watchtower the biggest part of "Babylon the Great" world empire of False Religion. Ha! They condemn themselves with their own words. Again, Mac, thanks for the research.
by ARoarer ini have been reading from other bibles and comparing them to the wt.
translation in the nwt and found it interesting that the information that they use in the reasoning book regarding apostates is taken from jude and the experience of korah with moses.
it seems they use this scripture to identify elders as the "glorious ones", and anyone speaking against the society is compared to korah speaking against moses.
Hi outnfree,
I think I remember a Watchtower study article that came out around 2 years or so ago that directly talked about the elders being considered glorious ones. I wish I knew the exact one. The Society seems to think they are above the angels, even the archangel spoken about in Jude. -
by ARoarer ini have been reading from other bibles and comparing them to the wt.
translation in the nwt and found it interesting that the information that they use in the reasoning book regarding apostates is taken from jude and the experience of korah with moses.
it seems they use this scripture to identify elders as the "glorious ones", and anyone speaking against the society is compared to korah speaking against moses.
I have been reading from other Bibles and comparing them to the WT
translation in the NWT and found it interesting that the information that they use in the Reasoning Book regarding APOSTATES is taken from Jude and the experience of Korah with Moses. It seems they use this Scripture to identify elders as the "glorious ones", and anyone speaking against the Society is compared to Korah speaking against Moses. Upon reading the "Rainbow Study Version" of the King James, and also the "Easy Reader Version" Holy Bible, that the Society uses to study with the Deaf,I have come to find out that in the book of Jude glorious ones is translated as "dignities" or angels. This is confirmed in 2Peter 2:10, 11. In the Holy Bibe Easy to Read Version that the Society uses, Jude 8, 11 speaks of "the glorious angels", as says "..they reject God's authority when they say bad things against the glorious angels" "Not even the archangel, Michael did this.....did not dare to condemn the devil with criticizing words, but Michael said, the Lord punish you...." The point was made because of the teaching of Gnostisism was being accepted back then. So after reading this and comparing it in it's accurate context, I think the Society is intentionally trying to make elders above angels by elevating them to the position and using it to falsely identify as "apostate" those who have been hurt by the Watchtower and speak out against It's own false teachings. The reason I bring all of this up is not to get into any deep bible discussion but because the WT uses these scriptures against good people, and is preaching this as fact at the Convention. I guess the WT "glorious ones" are really the "notorious ones". -
Are Pedophiles Knocking At Your Door?
by silentlambs inthe following are ads to place in your local paper to help get the word out regarding molestation issues within the watchtower organization.
we ask that you do not add any further information other than what is listed here as we wish the message to be uniform.. any suggestions can be sent to info@silentlambs and will be considered.
1.. are pedophiles knocking on your door?.
I love the idea SL. This is a proactive way to let neighborhoods be aware of the "darker side" of the Watchtower Society. Keep doing what
you are doing. You are inspiring!! -
Hi, I just posted a detailed answer to you but somehow it got lost. I because of a problem logging in. I hope the moderator can retrieve what I posted,as it took awhile to post it.
by bonnie38 ini wonder what the percentage is of ex-jws who become involved in other organized religions.
i had a discussion with a psychiatrist friend recently.
he told me that i am a "psychiatric anamoly," that most "devout" people who leave a religion will join another and become as devout in their new religion.
Hi Bonnie, I don't think you're an anomoly. I think your friend does not understand the level of betrayal one has when they have been hurt by Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a cult of control and fear and I don't think being devout in the sense that the term normally implies, has anything to do with Jehovah's Witnesses. Most lead double lives. Fear of punishment and abandonement is what makes your everyday witness "devout", but a better word is "loyal" to an organization. When I and my family experienced the betrayal and abandonment of close friends and family for exposing pedophilia in the family and congregation, I personally, felt the trauma of it all, but also felt and individual spiritual relationship with the Creator, and all my own principals of right and wrong overpowered the loyalty to the organization that claims it's members are devout. Maybe those of us who have been hurt and left, really loved our friends and our Creator too much to tolerate the evil in the Organization and present it at the door to strangers. We who have been programmed by cult mind control have a very hard time moving on to any religion that is organized by men. I look at all religion now as mans vehicle to a personal relationship with their higher power. Some need that structure, and some, like myself, are afraid of that structure, and want to trust our own gut now when it comes to having a relationship with God. I think now the bottom line for me is that the basic rule in the teachings of Jesus is human kindness towards ones neighbor. This is something the Watchtower does not encourage. In fact, the opposite is true. I left a religion, not my cherished friendships. Yet they chose to sever their friendship with us, simply because we told the truth. No we are not disfellowshipped or have formerly dissaciated ourselves, but we have been definitly shunned as if we were disfellowshipped. People, who were our very closest friends who shared our lives with. Births of children, kindergarten, graduations, hospitalizations, lifes joys and sorrows. And it all meant nothing because they are "loyal" to a concept that the organization imposes on them. It hurts very much, and few of us who disconnect from it will ever trust enough again or even have the emotional capacity to toally involve ouselves in an organized church community. The bottom line is, any church community that protects predators, but shuns it's youth when they err, or upstanding members when they morally and conscientously oppose such treatment, is a dangerous church community.
Just my thoughts.:) -
are you sitting down?........PRINCE is a JW!!!!!
by lisaBObeesa inhello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
More Sexual misfits entering the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses. No wonder it's such a pervert loving organization.
thoughts about miscarriage
by silentlambs ini remember the date, may 15, 1991, it was the date my wife miscarried and a young life was lost.
there was no funeral, few remarks of support.
i will never forget the remark of my mother, well it never was really a baby after all.
Dear Silentlambs
Your words describing your feelings over your loss ran through my heart as memories of pain endured came up into a lump in my throat. The date of a painful loss remains invisible on your heart and in your subconscious only to come flowing out on the anniversary each year. You felt the pain in your heart that day and it came to your mind in your thoughts. The feeling was turned into words in your brain and your hand put the words down with pen onto paper. With your mind and your heart your hand wrote the words describing the feeling. Your eyes saw the written words describing the feelings, and your mouth read them out loud. With your ears you heard the words to your feelings, and gave those feelings a voice to hear. And with the words you heard yourself read outloud comes the gift of acceptance and compassion learned. Keep giving your feelings voice, and keep reading out loud the words that are given to you in response. It gives healing to the heart and soul of you. Give Sheila a hug.Love,