Below is a list of fallacies, arguments this post reminded of philosophy 101 so I had to look up the assignment.
btw, I for one agree with you WLG, it's the methods many choose to use that cause the most forum loss, that and some people can't stand to be wrong, or have others assume they are wrong.
1. Appeal to symbols (I wrap myself in the flag to demonstrate my patriotism).
2. Appeal to ignorance/unseen evidence (He's guilty because he had a gun we couldn't find).
3. Appeal to illogical premises (It's OK to cheat, everybody does it in this class).
4. Appeal to what's known (We know Germans like big cars, they make Mercedes).
5. Red herring (She's rich. Did you hear her children own big houses and boats).
6. Appeal to false authority (99% of family dentists say regular brushing is good; use Crest).
7. Ad hominem (attacks character) (Of course you support euthanasia, your parents are dead).
includes name calling: My opponent is a liar.
includes prejudice: Women just can't be good stock brokers.
includes guilt by association: She's a feminist so her ideas must be radical.
8. Straw person/straw man (You may think it's cheaper to cut trees to make sacks, but I don't).
9. Begging the question (We should not give high grades because they will reward poor students as well as good ones).
10. Complex questions (When did you stop speeding in your sports car?).
11. Oversimplification (Love it or leave it!).
12. Equivocation (He's so successful-successful had many meanings).
13. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc (After this, therefore because of that) /Correlation
(I ate pizza and got a stomach ache, so pizza must not be good for us)
14. Slippery slope (We don't dare provide more scholarships. We'll be supporting the whole country if we do).
15. Generalization (The taxes are much too high).
includes pars pro toto (assumes what is true for part is true for all: That banker didn't pay his taxes on time. Bankers don't pay their taxes on time.) includes the opposite of pars pro toto (contradicting evidence is withheld: He was told to pay a penalty for late taxes. But, he paid his taxes on time; the mail was late).
16. Faulty analogy (Well, the jet model worked in the wind tunnel, so that plane will fly).
17. Non sequitur (Pete likes to drink milk, so Jennifer is sure to like malts ).
18. Irrelevant reasons (I should not get below a B in this class because I worked hard).