I agree that the spirit, the soul, of the JWs derives mainly from Rutherford and not from Russell. Russell wanted decentralised power with each congregation choosing its leaders and running its affairs. Rutherford centralised all power into his hands moving the JWs from substantial democracy under Russell to a rigid dictatorship. And as mentioned above he removed all emphasis from developping love and a christian character to preaching as the main by far worthwhile activity. Attitutes that continue to this day. Your life may be morally exemplary and faultless but if you don't preach the WTS message you are nothing to them.
His successors made things even worse by initiating total intolerence to any criticism of their idology and actions, ie total dictatorship, the disfellowshipping policy even for a range of ridiculously trivial issues such as attending birthday parties or wearing a crucifix, and the blood ban that needlessly terrorised and killed thousands of JWs who were made to expect an appalling eternal damnation if they took blood to survive disease or accident, a fear potent enough to make them bend the mighty instinct of survival for themselves or hapless children under their care which though often unbaptised and underage they insisted that they should be subjected to the JW blood ban rule.
All these finally made for a wayward, man serving, unloving organisation without a trace of christian love, spirit or orientation that basically wanted serfs to promote its prosperity and finances without any cost to the corporation. Such are the subtle nuances of religious intricacy and deception.
In my view Franz was the most bitter, relentless, insidious and destructive of all JW leaders whereas Rutherford was more of an exploitative happy go lucky clown who claimed to be the only god appointed religious leader in the world when his personality and lifestyle were obviously quite at odds with such a dignified office. He would send out the JWs to preach in an intentionally and needlessly provocative way so that they would often get beaten up and abused while he was enjoying a life of opulence and ease, with plenty of alcohol, luxury accomodation, cars, and trips.
To all these scoundrels the R&F are stupid dumb animals to be manipulated and exploited for their own profit.