Homerovah, that interesting information linking the WTS to the American Judeomasons (bnai brith) was presented by Springmeier in a book he wrote after an extensive study of Russell, the WTS and its connections with Jewish and Masonic circles.
It came up in a court case in Switzerland in the 1920's where the accused presented a letter from the American Judeomasons to those in Switzerland and it mentions that the WTS was being funded by them and used to undermine Christianity and was requesting of them to create favourable conditions for Rutherford during his visit there.
You should be able to find that book in its electronic form and download it if you google "watchtower and the masons fritz springmeier"
The fact that a lot of jewish money went into the WTS is in agreement with the fact that Russell was very strongly pro jewish and endevoured for a Jewish home in Palestine. And of course we have the clearly judaising nature of the WTS which expels and shuns those calling Jesus Lord and talks of itself as the organisation of jehovah rather than the church of Christ denying just like the Jews that Jesus is the central person in the new economy. That jehovah left everything in the hands of Jesus and basically departed from the scene.
It may well be proved one day that the judeomasons are secretly running the WTS and exploiting its revenue and the GB are just a front that conceals their presence there.
As for masonry it is no doubt at its heart a satan worshipping, fiercely antichristian organisation steeped in occultism but few low level masons know that masonic writers like the two self admitted major satanists Albert Pike and Manley Palmer Hall have shamelessly revealed that satan is the god that they and masonry worship and serve.