Yes, I am a little to generous sometime.
It got me in trouble a few times. Lately I try to be more selfish.
i love giving and helping people.
makes me feel good.. how about you, do you ever help out people out of pure agape love?.
giving time or money, without expecting anything back in return?
Yes, I am a little to generous sometime.
It got me in trouble a few times. Lately I try to be more selfish.
would you go?
would you hire a lawyer?
play cat & mouse games?
how about polish a pistol
and fill it with bullets
and say make my day
i was brought up as a witness since 1971 in my heart i never trully belived but always wanted to please my parants and peers when i got married and had children i stopped going about 10 years ago before this i had suffered with depression and self loathing.
now iam a free man.
happy, rich, slim,
happy, rich and slim is good. Congrats to you
and welcome
so many things come to mind to show how silly jws sound in reality.
for example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother.
or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a jw.
break time
coffee time, going to lunch, ............. and who to work with in service.
and who can't work with in service.
i credit this to "cinemablend" for giving me the thought.. prove to me that the watchtower is the "faithful and discreet slave class', to which the j.w's have to obey down to the letter.. who can "prove" or "disprove" this?.
The watchtower May 1, 2004
Page 11 , ... par 15 first sentence.
" Jehovah does not communicate directly with anyone today."
the watchtower August 1, 2002
Page 14, ... Par 22 "Although no organization directed by humans can be perfect."
i just can't believe it!
after sending the elders a letter (see we get a letter from elder s. that he understands that families are busy, can't be reached for short notice meetings, yada yada yada.
so they are setting another meeting for june 12. .
My experience with elders in wisconsin are different than what you are experiencing.
I'm just surprised.
well, friends, i'm outta here.
yes, we're leaving.
armageddon is over and we're heading for paradise on earth!.
Aloha Brenda:
Hilo will be just fine, and you will enjoy. Thats where we did the chopper ride over the hot stuff.
I will go back soon. And I am so glad for you, .. to have the kind of time, .. to enjoy, .. everything at a nice slow pace.
Look at this as a break from cyber space. Please travel safe. and enjoy the time.
where to start my rant and rave?
oh where to start, let me see......hmmm.............. well during the school we had the typical fare, i'm sure you're all familiar with it, the " can you do more???
" talk.
Good rant. I am ready to do the same about a visit I had last week. A brother I studied with many years ago came to visit me.
Still trying to calm down, before I write about it.
um, dont quite know what to say about this, and i'm into piercings...
I don't think so.
....because you got into trouble??
Way too many times.
It hurts just to think about it.