joel, ladonna, that's your posts hit home and make a lot of sense.
"I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt
i see so many posts here saying that jehovah's witnesses are brain dead.
i just don't think that is the case.
i think its worse than that.
joel, ladonna, that's your posts hit home and make a lot of sense.
"I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt
yep, that's right!!.
i called my mother tonight to say a friendly hello.
you guessed it.
Ladonna, It's quite possible that your mother never heard of Franz....especially if she's older.
It's utterly frustrating talking to someone who doesn't care if you're right...only if their faith isn't trodden's no surprise that she throws barbs at you....she is embarrassed of your apparent ungodliness. What tripe.
It makes me angry, reading what you wrote. I was talking to Gopher and called it a moral fashion show....that's what it' become.
summary: real people, phony religion.
i'll let the others fill in on the details.
Hey, if there's ever one in Jersey, please do tell.
is your anger with the jw religion due mainly to the fact that you have been df'd?
is it possible that persons who post here who are not disfellowshipped can feel as angry as those who are being shunned and who are therefore being effectively gagged?.
is the df'ing policy of the wtbts the main reason that ex-jw's seem to go all out to get other witnesses out of the org?
You go dung!
over the past couple of years i've been really questioning myself about why i have doubts about the wts and even the bible.. even though i've been raised as jw all of my life i've often felt that i was'nt really a religious person.
unlike some of the people around me i just could'nt (and still can't) work up any excitement about the bible.. so after much thought i've come to the conclusion that the disturbing thing about all religions is that fear is emphasized more so than love.
some might argue and say that the bible teaches just the opposite, some will no doubt think about the scripture "god loved the world so much that he sent his only begotten son".
I love my wife, and I think that's all I can do as an insignificant being, just love what you can, and hope there is someone to hold us when we need it. It's a lonely world, even with all of the people in it. It's hard to know what God wants, even with the bible. People may not believe in the bible, and that may be a relief for them, but I know somehow that God exists...and that we are somehow accountable to him, even if accountability means just his pleasure or displeasure in us. I don't think I'd care to be in a world with no God. It's frightening think to think of all the gargantuan galaxies, stars, and beings aren't ruled by SOMETHING.
Religion may be wrong, but God can't be. I just think we havn't found him yet.
"I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt
yeah like, my boss's friends uncle called me the other day and said that at least 50 crazed rabid arabs ran into the local taco bell and like threw a giant beaker marked with a skull and cross bones on the floor and then they ran away laughing, outside a helicopter dropped a rope ladder and the arabs climbed on and flew off, all the while laughing manicaly and chanting 'death to the infidels!
' .
although you may read only local newspapers reporting this incident, and although the local papers say only that 2 hispanic males ordered a mountain dew and it spilled and then they left the taco bell cursing the management, my version is the honest truth and not sensationalism at all!.
I got anthrax three times today.
this is great!.
most days i have to walk through a shopping centre.. a df'd guy is always in there preaching.
he was df'd nearly 10yrs ago for basically disagreeing with everything the soc.
good 4 a laugh
lisa gave me the idea for this topic.. so, what are your ideas for some catchy song titles?
any genre will do.
1. i got mauled at the kingdom hall.
"Don't worry about the Armageddon bodies, just think of them as roadkill." song #1
my name is kevin and i am jon's partner.
jon gave me his password a few weeks ago and asked me to post to the board if something happened to him.
as some of you know jon had been undergoing cancer treatment since the end of july.
I'm sorry.
'How many loved your moments of glad grace
and loved your beauty with love flase or true
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you
and loved the sorrows of your changing face.'
W.B. Yeats
looking at the stats, there are well over 14,000 views of the thread about the un.
the next 'most read' thread is around 9,500 so it is clearly a burning issue.. i wonder if the involvement with the un is the biggest threat to the wts?.
they are getting badly burnt because of their covering up child abuse and is doing a great job of raising the profile of this but even so, i can see the 'mental defense mechanism' of many jws excusing this as 'individuals imperfection'.. they cannot excuse the gb getting in bed with the un.
Unfortunatly hawkaw is right. A few truth-oriented people will look at it and take action, but the majority, like my father, will shrug it off and say that the Witnesses are "using" the UN for it's own purposes. How disgusting.