Hey you! The masked man! Sign back onto MSN! I have must to discuss!!!
here's a breaking news update i just received from cnn.. -- appeals court rules national "do-not-call" registry can be implemented while court considers whether it violates telemarketers' free speech.
watch cnn or log on to http://cnn.com (aol keyword: cnn) for the latest news.
Hey you! The masked man! Sign back onto MSN! I have must to discuss!!!
here's a breaking news update i just received from cnn.. -- appeals court rules national "do-not-call" registry can be implemented while court considers whether it violates telemarketers' free speech.
watch cnn or log on to http://cnn.com (aol keyword: cnn) for the latest news.
Thank god, those bastards call our house 5 times a day...bugs the hell out of me. For once, the politicians aren't siding with the businesses,
today, october 6, in manchester tennessee the court considered the motion to dismiss petitioned by the watchtower bible and tract society in the case of anderson vs watchtower.
during the hearing for the first time ever the watchtower attorneys were stumped, at a loss for words, silence in the courtroom for what seemed like a 'millennium'.
Awesome. Fastastic job.
hey everyone, im new haha.
my name is tom and i live in adelaide, south australia.. and i was bored and i searched for jehovahs witnesses hoping to find something to amuse me and i came across this forum and i thought it would be for like actual jehovahs witnesses (are there still practicing jw's on here?
) but your all like df or just like ones that have left... and well so am i!
Hey all you New Peeps...
Frank, whereabouts in NY are ya? There's a bunch of good ol' crazy apostates up there.
the subtle power of spiritual abuse .
david johnson & jeff vanvonderen .
1991 bethany house publishers
This would be great for anyone---I plan to read this now.
as a jehovah's witness, you know that you cannot practice homosexuality.
it's considered a sin.
if your friend or relative revealed that they were gay, you would be obligated to "report" them to the elders.
Why, when people bring up how tolerant they are of gays, they bring up two things: AIDS and how they don't like anyone making out in front of them.
I just think that saying "but!" are just the last hurdles former prejudiced people experience, when they open their minds. I think it's natural for people to still have doubts about gays, when they've been brainwashed for many years about the "disease" of homosexuality. They always come around if their heart is good. It takes a long time to open a closed mind, and it comes in stages.
and Stacey,
You have some great parents. Good for you.
when i was a jw there were a few sisters i knew who had serious weight problems.
i now have a couple of friends who are obese.
i have a weight problem also (about 40 pounds over my best weight).. i was out with my girlfriend today.
I too am about 75 pounds overweight. I'm around 6 feet tall and weigh 245, and have been that exact weight for three years, no matter what I do. I eat less, but better, or eat more, smaller meals, or give up beer altogether. I lost four pounds in four months doing that. Just doesn't seem worth it to me.
Still, I just went to the doctors, and my Bad Cholesterol is only 60. So, for all of the weight I have, I must eat pretty healthy. It's just something that my body does. I'm polish, and we slavs have a tendency to be a little bigger anyway.
My bodyweight means nothing to me, but if I was a woman, it would be a different story. It's a shame that there's such a doublestandard for men and women. Men want women within 20-30 pounds of their 'ideal' (i use that term loosely) weight, but guys can be fat, and not have to worry. That sucks.
for those who were raised/born in the truth: .
1. were you ever beaten as a child?
and, i mean where the parent really crossed the line, not just spanking.
I looked around and found another. This is a little more recent, say, in the past four years. I forgot I had written this.
Stood Down
Unrobed, I am the child that weeps
Near the pyre. I lie there.
Naked and hovering
Ashen, in my throes.
Stark, almost mad
I put my fist through the glass.
For this I fought wars?
Struck down, like shadows on a mountain
Just as the sun blasts himself upon the gorge.
Roots spring from me, tearing out my skin
Bleeding down, drunk up.
The stones I threw down
crush me in my bed.
I?m blistered and worn, blurred
While does sleep, my innocent murderer.
life is good as a witness in good standing still doing what i please!.
my husband and i are in the hispanic side of the watchtower and were having a grand time.
just imagine, caribeans partying a lot!.
Incidences of groups of individuals deciding to remain in the Organization but not necessarily believing all the tenets of the faith are becoming more and more common.
My brother in law is one of them. He does whatever he wants, smokes, drinks to extinction, says more swears than a sailor, yet he goes to every meeting and feels ok about the hypocrisy.
His explanation:
"Even if the witnesses have no truth about them, it's all I know. My family are all witnesses, and they're willing to let me do what I want in exchange for me continuing to go to meetings."
I say, as long as he's happy, more power to him.
One other fact that is important here....his father is one of the best known brothers around, and if my broinlaw committed murder, people would still accept him. The good ol boys network is an important factor in closet ex-JWs pretending to be JWs, and all of the 'normal' JWs tolorating it.
as a jehovah's witness, you know that you cannot practice homosexuality.
it's considered a sin.
if your friend or relative revealed that they were gay, you would be obligated to "report" them to the elders.
I would be very disturbed, with member of my family it would disgust me.How low in morale one person can go?Everything that have to do with that sort of behavier is to me,revolting.
Morale? You mean, morals, perhaps?
I guess that you could also accuse hurricanes or earthquakes as being immoral, too. They are natural pheonomena as well.
Judge when you have the facts, kiddo. Morals have nothing to do with homosexuality. As for morale, there are plenty of well adjusted, happy homosexuals out there, provided they don't have to put up with your type of bigotry every day.