How about these gems.
1. Dating with marriage in mind.
2. The devil is so busy.
3. spare the rod, spoil the child.
4. Remember lot's wife.
For Women:
1. Show proper headship to your husbands.
2. Remember your place.
i know there's no such word as "witnessy" but this can be a fun thread.
How about these gems.
1. Dating with marriage in mind.
2. The devil is so busy.
3. spare the rod, spoil the child.
4. Remember lot's wife.
For Women:
1. Show proper headship to your husbands.
2. Remember your place.
just curious if jw urban legends are the same all over the world...?
i remember growing up in canada, there's two that really stand out in my mind.
1) the smurfs walking out of the kh.
No, No, No,
At the John Denver concert he asked all DUBs to stand up. Once they did he began to sing the national anthem.
I guess he got his punishment in that plane crash.
just curious if jw urban legends are the same all over the world...?
i remember growing up in canada, there's two that really stand out in my mind.
1) the smurfs walking out of the kh.
I heard a similar story to the KISS episode. Apparently at an Earth,Wind and Fire concert, the band abruptly stopped performing and asked all JW's to leave the venue because they were blocking the demonic spirit from possessing the crowd.
Of course all of the DUBs in attendance ran out of the stadium and vowed never to listen to EW&F's music again. The elders made sure to repeat this story every chance they got to the congo's teenagers.
i read the post where some kid let go of a helium balloon at a convention, and everyone was watching it.
when i used to attend the conventions, i loved distractions.
i always heard multiple "pssst" sounds from people opening cans of cott cola.
When the assemblies were held outdoors, it was always fun to have airplanes flew over the stadium.
It always disrupted the speaker and and gave me a chance to focus on something other than the boring talk.
do you think that reality tv has gone too far?.
i recently saw a advertisment for a new show that features very overweight people trying to lose weight.
if they do not lose weight they are kicked off the show.
Dawn, I agree.
Or how about a show switching the wives of a Dub and "worldly person".
That's a show I would watch.
do you think that reality tv has gone too far?.
i recently saw a advertisment for a new show that features very overweight people trying to lose weight.
if they do not lose weight they are kicked off the show.
Do you think that Reality TV has gone too far?
I recently saw a advertisment for a new show that features very overweight people trying to lose weight. If they do not lose weight they are kicked off the show. These people seem to be both physically and emotionally broken to begin with. Imagine how they are going to feel if they fail at losing weight.
It almost seems as if we are being entertained by the misfortune of others.
Any comments?
i was just reading the thread on how to pick the proper pumpkin.
(thanks xandria) it got me thinking how i still have this recoil factor when it comes to halloween.
it was always "satan's holiday" that i still tell my friends that i probably won't participate in the festivities when i decide to have children.. what do you guys do about this issue?
I have to admit, I have not fully embraced this holiday.
Maybe because I think it's unsafe to have children eating foods from strangers.
Maybe because I still can't shake the belief that somehow it's connected to devil worship.
Maybe its because many times the pranks pulled at Halloween can sometimes hurt or kill people.
I do give candy to children in the neighberhood, but I have never allowed my child to Trick or Treat.
on my way home last night from work i ran into a prominent elder from brooklyn.
this guy is always featured at circuit assemblies and his family was presented as the model witiness family in the 80's.
well imagine my shock and surprise when i realized that this dub had just bought a lottery ticket.
On my way home last night from work I ran into a prominent elder from Brooklyn. This guy is always featured at circuit assemblies and his family was presented as the model witiness family in the 80's.
Well imagine my shock and surprise when I realized that this dub had just bought a lottery ticket. Since I was unable to contain my silence I point blank asked him how could he "gamble" and still consider himself to be an upstanding active dub.
His answer: I never planned on living to this age (mid 60's) me and my family are just not prepared for a comfortable retirement. Jehovah will understand.
I am still amazed by his answer. Have any of you noticed that the faith of many long time dubs seems to be waning?
in trying to deal with the everyday realities of our existence, we usually pick "catch phrases" or principles with which we use to try & guide our life, growth & development.
in my case, the #1 thing that i try to live by is to take what is mine & own it.
yep, i didn't have the best circumstances growing up, and had some pretty crappy things that happened to me as a child.
Don't sweat the small stuff - 99% of life's worries are small stuff.
There's always three sides to every story. His side, her side and the truth.
Think before you speak.
how much harm did you cause to the people in your congregation?
everybody complains how the witnesses did this and that and in the process caused so much harm.
but what you don't say is how much pain you caused others while you were in.
I definitely cause harm to my fellow man. Every person I shunned because small minded men decided that some one was not worthy enough to be a JW. Every person I studied with and brainwashed to become a JW I harmed. Every child that I did not encourage to do well in school and pursue higher learning I harmed.
And most of all, I harmed myself by believing that BS.