An article written by Joy Castro appeared in the Magazine section of the Sunday NY Times.
Joy is an X dub and the article is autobiographical about her youth as a dub.
If you can check it out.
an article written by joy castro appeared in the magazine section of the sunday ny times.. joy is an x dub and the article is autobiographical about her youth as a dub.. if you can check it out.
An article written by Joy Castro appeared in the Magazine section of the Sunday NY Times.
Joy is an X dub and the article is autobiographical about her youth as a dub.
If you can check it out.
are you the type of guy that has to drive even if it is your wife's car?
my husband is not.
we both have our own, but my husbands drives a truck, so going to the meetings i nearly always drove because it is my vehicle, i was never talked to about this, but from the 'looks' i got from the elders i know i would have been if we were still there!
I agree with Undercover - my wife's driving is pretty scary, she even admits that much. So I drive most of the time.
As far as me being a chauvinist, I get acused of that all the time by my wife. I just ignore the name calling.
When my wive pays all the bills and opens the door for me to walk through first and pays for any entertainment outside of the house. Then I will cease to be a chauvinist.
Don't get me wrong I love and respect my wife, but I do enjoy calling the shots.
two leading oncologists both agree that my daughter bethany might be alive today if she had not been fed arsenic.
as you may recall, the wts arranged to take my sick daughter into hiding for two months and payed a doctor to prescribe arsenic.
the doctor ant the wts lawyers convinced bethany that the arsenic treatment could cure her.
Shunned Father, 1st my heartfelt sympathy goes out to you all who knew and loved you daughter.
2nd, I would liketo participate in the rally in Brooklyn.
I will mark it as a date on my calendar, but please pm me with more details as the time draws close.
Dfed, I truly feel sorry for you. I remember being so blinded by the "truth" that I was skeptical of anything that was said negatively about the dubs.
I pray for you.
when i was a kid weddings in the troof were a big deal.
probably because they were the main if not only excuse for a knees up.
if someone was getting married they were not in control of the decisions about the reception.
Interesting topic.
Before I left the "troof" I had been in 19 weddings, 3 times the best man and once the groom.
I can tell you many stories about weddings but, my own reception was held in a catered hall (for those of you in NY - The Huntington Townhose), the food was about $45 per plate, and we invited 300 people.
I should have seen throught the troof at this age but I was still blind. In my hall each wedding became a competetion and with the bar being raised each time. The winner was who could spend the most money, Both my parents and my in-laws were caught up in the game and no expense was spared.
We received $15,000 in money from gifts from the invitees - most came from my co workers and relatives, but prominent Dub families were pretty generous since they had children of marraige age and they expected the gesture to be recipricated.
We had a beautiful Honey moon in Hawaii and guess what? The marraige lasted for a year.
What an expense lesson for the parents - STUPID!
after reading hs topic of shunning, it got me thinking - how many people have i hurt over the years by shunning, marking, labeling as "bad association"?
when i hear the stories of my fellow posters, it really makes me regret how super rightoeus, guillible and judgemental, i was back then, when i had no real life experience or any right to judge anyone elses choices or mistakes in life.. i know i can't change the past, but i am sincerely sorry to anyone i shunned back then and although i know my family will never change their belief in the "troof" i will always make it a point to let them know just how damaging the practice of shunning really is and how it can even lead some one to suicide.. i am sure if i had put a bullet in my head when i was dfed their view on the "troof would be different today.. by the way they never shunned me.
"family business" clause.. is anyone else guilty of this?
After reading HS topic of shunning, it got me thinking - How many people have I hurt over the years by shunning, marking, labeling as "bad association"?
When I hear the stories of my fellow posters, it really makes me regret how super rightoeus, guillible and judgemental, I was back then, when I had no real life experience or any right to judge anyone elses choices or mistakes in life.
I know I can't change the past, but I am sincerely sorry to anyone I shunned back then and although I know my family will never change their belief in the "troof" I will always make it a point to let them know just how damaging the practice of shunning really is and how it can even lead some one to suicide.
I am sure if I had put a bullet in my head when I was DFed their view on the "troof would be different today.
By the way they never shunned me. "Family Business" clause.
Is anyone else guilty of this?
well, in my case anyway.
for those of you that may recall my posts about my family and that after i left the wts, how i wrote long (and painful) letters to my nonjw children among others.
i had tried to explain why i had shunned them and how very sorry i was, and for all the mistakes i had made throughout their childhoods as a jw mother.
I am so happy for you and your family.
Never ever let anything or one come between you guys again.
It just goes to show that you raised a great son, and you are a great Mom.
Enjoy your newly reclaimed relationship. The bumps and all.
hope everyone one is having a great summer season...... has anyone read any good books lately...?.
willy loman; are you out there,,,?.
ps just a note to say that patty and i had dinner with willy loman and his wife when they came to new york; we had a wonderful time......and willy has some great news to announce and share with the forum...
I've been reading my wife's copy of Confessions of a Video Vixen" otherwise known as Super Head.
Interesting reading, but definitely not for children.
Good to hear from you Franklin - it's been a while.
You guys mentioned a lot of my favs.
Additional Favs.
Jerry McGuire
What dreams my come - Visually stunning
The sixth Sense
E.T. - Can't help crying on this one.
My new favorite - Crash
correct me if i am wrong but was the prodigal son required to prove he was repentant before he was accepted back into the family?
I was given an " explaination" of this story by JR Brown at one time.
His thoughts were that since the son was returning to the household of his father, he had already repented in his heart because he knew that the only way his father would receive him back would be only if he had changed his ways and was repentatnt.
Therefore his father did not need to hear those exact words. By his actions he implied that he had repented.
as usually, leave it to a dub to change the meaning of a scripture.
maybe i missed an early post on the death of luther, but i just wanted to state that i am a big fan of his music and knowing that i will not ee him again in concert or wait with anticipation his next cd certainly makes me sad..
Maybe I missed an early post on the death of Luther, but I just wanted to state that I am a big fan of his music and knowing that I will not ee him again in concert or wait with anticipation his next CD certainly makes me sad.