But that is not the same as tormenting the tormenter, not by a long shot. The first deletes it, the second multiplies it.
Again, this is treating torment as an absolute evil, and that God could somehow perpetuate evil or multiply evil by imposing such a punishment. Again, you are judging the act as evil as the intent. (Like saying that murder is the same as execution, since they both kill.)
No, all of that is additions you made to frame it according to your worldview. I know that's how this thread has been going, but I don't even frame things in terms of good and evil, I merely stated the effect such dynamics would have, you added judgements of good and evil as well as God. Of course, I am not framing it in terms of discrete entities, but just the activity of torment itself, by its very nature of being torment. I am simply saying tormenting torment, in itself is a multiplication. Just looking at each thing for what it is, killing as a putting end to, and so on.
Of course, I can see that if you do view things in terms of separate entities justice becomes very significant, but then if you are so separate why the need to 'balance' things? Mind you, I am not saying criminals should run free, but I am now exploring the differences of these views. The whole reason to establish such balance would seem to be there is some kind of connection, otherwise it would be a matter of healing the individual, and a separate thing to punishment the wrongdoer. You seem to be drawing a connection between the healing of the wronged and the punishment of the wrongdoer. Incidentally I don't view things as so separate, but then this would have big implications.
It's one thing to talk about ourselves, it's another to consider the big picture. The personal perspective is inevitably a projection, which doesn't make it bad - but it's clearly limited. This is why I made the second post about distinguishing individual healing and justice. If you want to talk about the big picture, that's nothing less than healing of the world - but it's dangerous to project from that limited perspective when you're dealing with something that big. There are well meaning people in the world who try to bring healing about, but when it is enmeshed with the confusion of their own suffering that inevitably gets transmitted as well - good intention isn't enough in this case because they don't see where they're at. Again, because it is well meaning that may come through - the ones on the receiving end would know they mean well. But if the recipient doesn't see the confusion then that unconsciousness continues to be perpetuated, and that just doesn't help anybody. This can be quite subtle as it often takes the form of rationalizations, taking refuge in the mind, in thoughts. I would recommend taking refuge in the heart, but I hesitate to say even that much because of the tendancy to identify with the content, which is of course tied in with thoughts.
Please, whatever you do don't rationalize things away, you will ultimately find it doesn't go deep enough, and is simply not real enough - not to mention you will just prolong the suffering. If nothing else, just go deep into your own heart, not for even the deepest feelings, but for what it actually is.