The question was framed to spark discussion. Yes and no are the answers but yes's and no's lead to further examination.
Do you really think so? Again it's just an observation and nothing personal, plenty of people do this all the time and I don't think people actually think about it, asking for opinion in terms of a binary choice comes rather naturally for most. What if the question was framed in an open ended way like "what results from censoring or not censoring information"? Frankly I think the examination tends to be fairly limited, and will tend to result in one shot replies like votes with comments that does not necessarily promote further exploration. Then again, I also recognize that it may very well be that people are more inclined to participate in expressions of opinion than in-depth analysis, so it seems to be a bit of a catch 22.
It's kind of hard to talk about this subject without specifics anyway. Also facts taken out of context will not mean much to people who are not in a position to put things in perspective, I'm sure most of us have met people who think JWs are all wonderful and largely ignore the peculiarities they are aware of simply because they don't know how it all ends up playing out in that social environment, besides they may be too busy framing it in terms of religious freedom. As another example a lot of us are probably familiar with some subjects enough to know that there is more we can dig into, but there is just so much time in the day though we recognize there's more to understand about it.
So in one sense it kind of naturally works itself out, because unless you're really interested you're just not going to dig that deeply. Hopefully there is enough info generally available to prompt the people who are inclined to do that and take some responsibility for knowing those things, otherwise the typical reactions just won't do a lot of good and may possibly cause the frenzy you are eluding to. I don't even necessarily think it's a bad idea for children to learn about some things that may be a bit too early for them to handle, as they sometimes will anyway, but it's understandable that parents don't necessarily want to address certain topics since it's not a particularly easy task to help them deal with it.
In a nutshell I guess since so much is available on the internet now, the work for us is to really work on ourselves intellectually and psychologically in order to be able to handle the information that is available. Just look at the truth about the JWs, people may come to know about all these things but they don't necessarily cope very well with it - the issue there is no longer an issue of censoring.