Just repeat it over & over again, and the wisdom will come to you.
JoinedPosts by Dismembered
Understanding the Lord's Prayer.
by Bleep infrom the april 1,2002 watchtower.
page 5 and 6.. to see the difference between having an accurate knowledge of the bible and having a passing acquaintance with what it says, let us consider what is commonly called the our father, or the lord's prayer, recorded at mathew 6:9-13.. millions regularly recite jesus' model prayer in church.
but how many have been taught its meaning, especially the first part of the prayer dealing with god's name and kingdom?
Why Edlers are not Qualified to Handle child abuse
by JT inback drop::.
paducah sun 1-28-01. mario moreno, associate general counsel at the church's new york headquarters,.. j.r. brown, public affairs director for the church,.
both brown and moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained clergy.
Hi littletoe,
wow the hair grows right before our very eyes. cool.
Why Edlers are not Qualified to Handle child abuse
by JT inback drop::.
paducah sun 1-28-01. mario moreno, associate general counsel at the church's new york headquarters,.. j.r. brown, public affairs director for the church,.
both brown and moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained clergy.
"it does not belong to man (Including elders) to direct their own step". Italics myans.
Edited by - Dismembered on 28 July 2002 18:22:22
Edited by - Dismembered on 28 July 2002 18:23:9
by AlphaPlus inthis is gonna take a while so bear with me .... i dunno where to start.
well i'm still a jw, still going to meetings etc although you do feel pretty bad sitting there knowing you'd like to be any place else.
like i've read from so many of you i've been the perfect jw kid excellent meeting attendence, good field service blah blah all that crap.
Hang in there Alpha. You'll know waht to do when the times arrives.
Who is Tony Adams?
by Kenneson ini must confess my ignorance when it comes to sports.
who is tony adams and what sports does he play?
redissue contains the following: .
Now retired sports announcer.
Why do the Governing body remain unknown?
by sleepy inwhy do the governing body remain unknown to witnesses in general?.
i used to think that the fact that the gb promote themselves (personnaly by name) in the magazines and don't name writers of watchtower articles, was a sign that the governing body was humble and meek.. but why did they take this policy?russel and rutherford were certainly not unkown.when did the transition happen?.
my theory is that this annomimity is use to make the magazines look like they are not aurthored by men.if an article appeared with the writers name , witnesses may choose to reject what is writen as they can see it was writen by a man.but not nameing the writers makes it hard for witnesses to identify the writers as just human like them, and gives the impression the magazines and books have a divine source.. any other ideas?
Humble nah. Hideing like a bunch of diaper laden old men.
How do you when your anointed?
by haujobbz ini had always been puzzled by this, how jws know there of the so called anointed class, i mean there not born anointed supposedly they know by means of holy spirit lol!!!!.
its then there word against yours, i mean we could all end up saying we were anointed then what would happen, probably you would be told off by the elders or maybe they just wouldnt believe you,and why because they might think if "more say their anointed" the end wont come in there lifetime.
guess what im starting to think im anointed!!!!!!!!
They don't, it's all a farce! Just ask one who bites the cookie.
Organization non-members ARE approved by God
by YoursChelbie indoes the bible contain accounts of persons who, while not active members of "organized" religion have god's appoval?
if it does, this would contradict watchtower teaching, since they often claim that anyone who's not a baptized member of their organization will suffer destruction.
further they claim that only active members of their "organization" have god's approval.
Y/N The meetings in about an hour, are you ready. If not you need to take a shower , etc. Get goin'. It's your turn to read the Watchtower.
An Introduction
by Granny Linda inhello.. after lurking around for some time decided to join.
i've been df for 32 years...and glad for it.. i'd pretty much laid the jw stuff to rest until last year when my older sister, after years of absence from my life, made comment to me about "struggling with the truth.
" i took it upon myself to begin some research and have been "hooked" on these type forums since.
Welcome Granny Linda! Tell al your friends about it
What "SIN" do elders respond to fastest?
by Dismembered in.
maybe it's just me but, it seem like "elders" respond extremely quickly to "sexual misconduct" as long as it does not involve their own family members.
true or false?
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