Thanks for the heads-up on Vista and Top Desk W-A-C
Top Desk looks interesting.
topdesk is a quick and easy way to switch between applications.
with a single key press, you can instantly view thumbnails of all open windows, display thumbnails of windows belonging to the current application, or hide all windows to quickly access the desktop.
Thanks for the heads-up on Vista and Top Desk W-A-C
Top Desk looks interesting.
whenever me and my mom would have our weekly study, it seemed like we would have the best conversations.
that's when i felt closest to her and felt like both our minds and hearts were open and loving and receptive.
now....(she's still a jw-i'm not), whenever we talk, since it's never about spiritual stuff anymore (since i don't believe it), it's always about shallow stuff-i feel so shallow.
You know the Bible bunk they use to defend that. What sharing does light have with darkness. As far as she's concerned your bulb needs replacing.
can brothers buy their way to stardom (eldership) .
have you known anyone who got to being an elder because of his financial status or by having a broker working for him.. i knew a brother who had been out of the borg for many years, who on his return purchased a carpet for the kingdom hall.. this must have prompted the elders to see his spiritual qualities, because soon after he progressed up the so called ladder, to arrive at a "glorious elder".. have you come across this sort of thing?.
Yes, in my former congregation there's an "elder" there, along with his wife, who employs many young guys in the hall. Plus his mom and dad are the patriarch & matriarch of the place. He's got $$$ and status, he and his wife have all the influence they'll ever need. Not even Joehover could bring them down.
well, since i da'd my parents have shunned me.
they have however replied to my emails inquiring as to their health and such.
every few months i send them an email telling them how i am and asking them how they are.
Greetings unique1,
:but I still think the pure anger from that phone call I made this morning had something to do with it.
That'll do it. Sorry to hear your parents are ignoramuses when it comes to their own daughter. Shame on them.
Greetings Ms. Crumpet,
With now 4800 posts under your belt, I'd wager you had your hand up all the time.
7 years.
if you were to ask me back then if i thought *this* board was going to be around in 7 years, i would have guessed "no.
Greetings Jourles,
I must say 7 years is quite a milestone in the history of JWD. Congrats you're one of the oldest posters here. Has your hair turned grey yet?
I joined this board back in 2001 just about the time I stopped going to meetings.
Greetings Gill,
I do not recall any protocol from "Mother, that was to be followed if no one would answer during the Watchtower torture study. All I can remember are the all to eager hands that went up. Some of the long-winded drones use to put their hands up for every question. Lack of answers, and the urge to be heard, in the congregation I was from, was never a problem. At times you'd have to wear sunglasses from the brightness of all the fluorescent highlighter ink that was used to impress the elders who looked on to see if different ones studied their magazine.
when joseph mongolfier launched his hot air balloon in june 1783 in france, he was not aware of the physical dynamics that made it work.
after a short flight, one that made history, the 36 foot sphere crashed about a mile away and burned.
his mistakes were many, but the biggest was that the constuction was mostly paper.
Greetings AK - Jeff
A fine read. Thanks for posting.
Greetings looking_glass
I remember Tammy
i was thinking... does the members of the governing body participate in field service?
if these are men who are to take their place in heaven with jesus christ, then shouldn't they be the ones fearlessly leading the charge?
when jesus was here on earth, his disciples went on to preach about him long after jesus had died.
Thanks for reposting Room 215. I missed your post from back then. It's people like you who's experiences I enjoy reading about.