We had, and those sorry saps still have two families that rule with an iron fist.
was there one family that ruled your congro?.
was it referred to as brother so and so congro?.
if you married into that family were you automatically made an m's or elder?.
We had, and those sorry saps still have two families that rule with an iron fist.
how do i load a 20" floor buffer in the back of my pick up alone without killing my back?
serious question.
i just bought a buffer to use in refinishing some oak floors.
Greetings Garybuss,
Here's an idea By going back to the meetings you could get the "friends" to help you with your lorry load. They like doing that kind of stuff.
my husband works at the local community college.
yesterday he said the witness's have a table set up with tracks, magazines and video monitor running.
2 brothers were there about 4hrs.
The idea that a table full of WT literature is teaching the Good News of the Kingdom is very very sad.
That's so true. It also shows how pathetic those nitwit naysayers are in imagining they've put the world on notice with the "impending world destruction".
hey everyone, my name is erich and i'm 19 and i have just suffered a break up with my jehovahs witness girlfriend.
we dated for over two years and we recently broke up.
i broke up with her because she was sad that she wasn't true to her religion and i felt terrible i was keeping her from it.
Run Erichhhhhhhhhhh Run,
You'll be doing yourself a favor.
it has dawned on me that i have not become the christian that i thought i would when leaving the jw religion.. i don't deny the power of faith, i retain faith in something beyond just the here and now, or maybe i retain credulous belief that way?
i have discovered that my religion was bad - then i discovered that the 'holy writ' upon which it is founded is pretty leaky also.
then i discovered that most "holy writings" are just as porous.
Greetings AK - Jeff,
Like you've already said. All you can do is take it one day at a time. Things seem to sort their way out.
i'm a bit confused.
i've been worried that i'm going to be df for apostacy because i no longer believe core jw teachings.
i don't have an intention on protesting or strirring things up, but i'm worried because i will not lie to elders if they ask me what i think about things (in a shepherding call).
Greetings Missing Link,
"Elders" can and will do anything they want, despite what anyone says. Watchtower has endowed them with the power to do what they want, when, they want. I heard about my announcement through my daughther in law, No one thing from any of those scumbag "elders". They do things according to whatever mood they're in. "Theocratic arrangement" has zilch to do with it. PERIOD..................
watched this film last night and i just wondered what others thoughts are on it........sorry if this topic has already been discussed.. basically the film picks on the usa's health care system as compared to other countries including canada, britain, france and cuba.. in britain we take for granted the nhs which we pay for through national insurance contributions, children up to 16 and the retired over 65 get free health care.............watching sicko made me appreciative of the system we have in place which is similar to the other countries mentioned.. thoughts anybody???
No not Sicko, I watched Jackass 2 last night.
like have you said stuff that is just outright insane like "each and every one of us should be ready and willing to die for the society" purely in the hopes that you'd turn someone off?
i imagine for most of us trying to fade that would be the most difficult thing to do, but some people are really good at shutting down and just going with a flow, too.. .
i ask because it's the only possible explanation i can come up with for some of the really bat-shit insane stuff i've heard come from the podium.
Re: Have you ever intentionally said crazy things from the platform?
No not intentionally, but ignorantly. One time as the chaiman of the Sunday Morning meeting, I announced that "Brother & Sister So & So had given birth to a new baby, and that we should be sure to give them our condolences.
the watchtower, with all the years they predicted the end, and all the years they said something invisible happened up there in heaven, do they know more than jesus, who said, "only my father in heaven knows"...
how often have you seen this happen?
seems like even when i was a little kid, i'd find out why someone got df'd.
usually almost immediately.
Greetings Avi,
I continue to be amazed that those dolts still have ecclesiastical privilege in this day and age. They should be thrown in jail, and watchtower padlocked for giving those buffoons that kind of intrusive authority.