Greetings smellsgood,
And I wouldn't be here if an old friend of mine (who posts here occasionaly) hadn't opened the door when they came knocking. Wait til I get my hands on him.
my dad had been a jehovah's witness.
he was in his early twenties when after zooming along on his dirtbike and running a stop sign, he collided with a vehicle, went sailing through the air and received life threatening injuries.
he was in rathdrum, idaho, and as far as i've heard it told, he stopped breathing for quite a long time.
Greetings smellsgood,
And I wouldn't be here if an old friend of mine (who posts here occasionaly) hadn't opened the door when they came knocking. Wait til I get my hands on him.
has anyone heard any announcement to this effect?
could it be true?
no more jw knocking at our doors?
Not here. Just watched my daughter-in-law strap the grand-daughters in their car seats, for another round of traipsing the countryside aimlessly for those old Brooklyn Watchtower pricks.
i'm not a big fan of internet shopping.
what about you?
Greetings Min,
My experience has been that people are more inclined to buy a diamond ring from a retailstore than from the internet. They like to SEE the jewelry----especially if they're paying many thousands for it.
Are you sure about that?
i have been trying to reconnect with my fleshly family for over a year now, since i left the jws.
for some reason, i find it extremely difficult.
i don't find them to be very giving or caring people.
Doesn't every family have a loon, or two, they're related to? We have nutburgers in our family
doing some research, found this site and forgot i used to be here..... any old timers still around?.
Greetings Animal,
I still come here from time to time too.
is the watchtower society secretly a little embarrassed by its shunning / disfellowshipping policy.. i haven't seen much in the way of instructions on how to deal with the 'lliving dead' in the watchtower and awake magazines in the last few years.
they tend to talk about df'd persons as 'choosing a course of life that leads to df ing rather than that harsh nitty gritty of how to treat or rather mistreat such people.. is this mistreatment only discussed in the kingdom ministry pamphlets now and deliberately kept hush hush?.
i should imagine the high mortatlity rate due to df ing leading to suicides could be very embarrassing for the organization..
Dubs, along with their heinous teachings, have an air of arrogance. They walk around cocksure that whatever they're spoon-fed from Mamma Watchtower is faultess. Swelled headed perhaps, never embarrassed. Their teachings are from god, for crying out loud. Dismembered
i've been sporadic with my meeting attendance lately.. i have actually been sick over the last couple of days.
however he talks to me today and asks me am i forgetting about jehovah.
he also said that i know i need to be at the meetings and that i'm letting other stuff get in the way.. i understand that why he came at me today but here's the clincher...... he is an active jw but he's on the "irregular" list.
Greetings R.F.
Your dad needs to be told in no uncertain terms to buzz off and leave you alone. He's one of those self righteous, hypocritic dubs that use the watchtower cult as a club. If he's abusive to your mom, turn him into the watchtower big wigs, a.k.a. "elders".
is dffing really doing the person a favor?
it removes the disfunctional and the cultists from your life in one clean sweep.
it forces you to stand on your own feet.
Greetings Satanus,
I'd also say that it depends on the individual, and their circumstances. For myself it's been great. Watchtower has no holds on me.
I will strive to try to convince as many as I can, as the opportunities arise, to leave that heinous cult.
this question is for all of us who were ever associated with the wts.
baptized, ministerial servants, elders, pioneers, etc, etc.
why is it that a lot of us call ourselves "free" when in fact we keep debating, putting down, hating, examining, analizing everything the wts does, did and will do?
Greetings tapout1,
Why is it that a lot of us call ourselves "free" when in fact we keep debating, putting down, hating, examining, analizing everything the WTS does, did and will do? Isn't this a waste of energy?
Are you aware of how many times that question (or versions thereof) has been asked on this forum? Do some research, and you'll find your answer. It would be great, if we had the ability to dissipate, like a smelly fart, the machinations, watchtower burdened us with. But for many, it has not been that easy.
the elders cames to my home on saturday and i didn't answer the door, so they told my sister to relay the message.
the message was "you know what it's about, we're going to make the announcement next meeting".
i knew it was coming...but it feels so weird.
Greetings TOL,
If all it feels is "weird" that's a good thing. Just think they've done the worst they can do to you. Those meaningless, assholes. Fuck their announcement.